VBScript to creat folders with sub folders

Nov 12, 2008
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VBScript HELP!!!!!!!!!
Here is what I need to do . I need an input box to appear asking for the customer name. Once the customer name has been put in I need another input box to appear asking for the Job number. I need the script to create two sub folders and each of the two subfolders need three sub folders called . So end result it should create a file structure like this

Customer name----
------------------ Job Number---
-------------------------------- Art
------------------------------------ OriginlArt
------------------------------------ ArtUsed
------------------------------------ QuarkProofs

-------------------------------- Data
------------------------------------ RawData
------------------------------------ ProductionData
------------------------------------ DataProofs

I have been successful at parts of this but have been unable to create a script that would do everything I want it to do. Any help would be greatly appreciated. I am really new to VBScript.

I have come up with this

Set objFSO=CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set objFolder=objFSO.GetFolder(strRoot)
Set colFolders=objFolder.SubFolders
strFolder = InputBox("Please Enter the FolderName.")
If objFSO.FolderExists(strRoot & strFolder) Then
WScript.Echo "Folder " & strRoot & strFolder &_
"\" & item & " already exists"
colFolders.Add strFolder
End If
Wscript.Echo " " & objFolder & ""
Set objFolder=objFSO.GetFolder(strRoot \ strFolder)
Wscript.Echo " " & objFolder & ""
Set colFolders=objFolder.SubFolders
For Each item In arrFolders
If objFSO.FolderExists(strRoot & strFolder & "\" & item) Then
WScript.Echo "Folder " & strRoot & strFolder &_
"\" & item & " already exists"
colFolders.Add item
End If

which will create the directory. but if it already exist I need it to fail and say "Directory already exist" and then promt them to enter the Job Number. It does not do that. And it is not creating the sub folders the way I need it to .

I got it to work this way with a .bat file but I would really like to pretty it up with VB

SET /P cname=[Customer Name]
MKDIR C:\%cname%
SET /P pname=[Job #]
MKDIR C:\%cname%\%pname%
mkdir C:\%cname%\%pname%\ART
mkdir C:\%cname%\%pname%\DATA
cd ART
mkdir C:\%cname%\%pname%\\ART\OriginalArt
mkdir C:\%cname%\%pname%\\ART\ArtUsed
mkdir C:\%cname%\%pname%\\ART\QuarkProofs
mkdir C:\%cname%\%pname%\\ART\PDFProofs
cd data
mkdir C:\%cname%\%pname%\\DATA\OriginalData
mkdir C:\%cname%\%pname%\DATA\ProductionData
mkdir C:\%cname%\%pname%\DATA\DataProofs
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