VBScript How to return Organizer of a Meeting?


Dwight Nelson

I'm trying to get the organizer to be returned in a
meeting item that is newly created with a form. When I
use the item.organizer property it is empty when the
Item_Open event is fired. Later on after the meeting
item has been sent the organizer property seems to be
initialzed with the correct value.

If I look at the Scheduling tab of the meeting, the
organizer is listed at the top but it does not come back
to me in the property.

Any ideas?

Thanks, Dwight

Sue Mosher [MVP]

Dumb question, but why not just use the current user, since on a new meeting
request that person is always the organizer?

Dwight Nelson

Good question: I am opening up another users calendar and want that user
(organizer) to be returned. So the current user is not the organizer in
this case. The application is direct booking of room on our campus. Each
room has it's own mailbox. Thanks.

Sue Mosher [MVP]

I still don't understand. If you are the person creating the item, *you* are
the organizer, regardless of what calendar it's in.

Sue Mosher, Outlook MVP
Author of
Microsoft Outlook Programming - Jumpstart for
Administrators, Power Users, and Developers

Michael Kensy


Sue Mosher said:
I still don't understand. If you are the person creating the item, *you* are
the organizer, regardless of what calendar it's in.

I don't know really but I do belive value of the items.organizer field isn't filled in when you open the form ... because it's an appointment at that state. Think you have to change state of the app.. to meeting to let ol fill in the organizers.value

cu Michael

Dwight Nelson

If I use File, Open, Other User's Folder and then select a calendar from
another mailbox. At that point I create a new meeting request by
positioning the mouse over the newly opened calendar window and right
clicking and selecting new meeting request, the organizer as listed at the
top of the attendees is the owner of the calendar, not me. Please let me
know if your Outlook behaves differently. I'd be happy to send screen shots
if you like. Thanks for your time.

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