VBScript and Standby mode



My computer (running XP Home) is set to enter standby mode after 20 minutes of inactivity.

I have a background (vbscript) script running, which works in conjunction with a background activex object (that makes a couple of API calls), that works fine when the computer is 'active', so to speak, but fails mysteriously (stopping wscript.exe ) without error message whenever the computer enters standby mode.

Can anyone think of a reason that the script fails as soon as standby mode sets in (bearing in mind that other applications running resume functioning just fine after rewaking the computer) or failing that is there a test within a script that can determine whether a computer is awake or not?

Thanks for any pointers in the right direction



Explorer starts,

anything after that probably is piped into other exe,dll mode then


"One" has to draw a line somewhere.


You can go to microsoft.public.de.german.scripting.wsh

to brush up your german.

Their "find IP address" under .bat or "simulated dos"

FOR /F "tokens=2-4 delims=\ " %%i in ('ipconfig ^|
find "10.128.1"') do (XXX)

may work for you. I use the one from Michael/group and also have written my


Explorer pretty much is your 'visual' window,
and what windows does not see, is probably not there, so to speak.


There should be a registry setting that allows a 'switch' which should
invoke the windows listener to act for changes.

However on XP and later system for script to control standby, I would not be
surprised for
'changes'. Really HOW is the PC supposed to know,

Kicking the box or pulling an asp script?

It is like putting a burning candle on the monitor and expect the machine to
on blowing.

My computer (running XP Home) is set to enter standby mode after 20
minutes of inactivity.

I have a background (vbscript) script running, which works in conjunction
with a background activex object (that makes a couple of API calls), that
works fine when the computer is 'active', so to speak, but fails
mysteriously (stopping wscript.exe ) without error message whenever the
computer enters standby mode.

Can anyone think of a reason that the script fails as soon as standby mode
sets in (bearing in mind that other applications running resume functioning
just fine after rewaking the computer) or failing that is there a test
within a script that can determine whether a computer is awake or not?

Thanks for any pointers in the right direction


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