VBE Menu Bar Visible But Not Functional


Steve Hieb

This problem is with the Visual Basic Editor. I already tried to
Customize/Reset with no luck. Actually, I can't event unckeck the
Menu Bar or remove it. Its simply visible, but froze or disabled.
The Menu Bar is there, but when you try to select any heading nothing
happens (File, Edit, View ...). All the other toolbars work fine.

I was playing around with the VBE object to learn more about it.
Wrote code to Goto a specific line in VBE. Nothing unusual and it
worked. The only other thing I did was create a new toolbar manually
(not programmatically). Occasionally when I try to Reset the Menu Bar
and/or remove the new toolbar I get an Application Error:

The exception Privileged instruction. (0x0000096) occurred in the
application at location 0x306db860.

I've tried everything. I'm on Excel 97 w/ NT. FYI, the Reference to
VBA Extensibility 5.3 is now unchecked. This had to have been caused
by me playing around w/ the VBE object or creating the custom toolbar.
FYI, the custom toolbar has nothing in it w/ the caption "GOTO".
Here is some code I used, which worked fine. Shortly after I did it I
moved on and then noticed the Menu bar was disabled. Nothing

Sub GotoLine()
Dim Ln As Variant
Ln = Application.InputBox("Enter Line:", "GOTO")
If Ln = False Then Exit Sub
Application.VBE.CodePanes(1).SetSelection Ln, 1, Ln, 1
End Sub

I'm going to have to re-install unless someone has ideas. Is there a
file like "Personal.xls" that I can delete or something to reset
everything? What's also weird is I can't find the Personal.xls file.
I wasn't messing around with it, but maybe that has something to do
with it.

Steve Hieb

Chip Pearson


Search for and delete files names *.xlb. It is in these files
where toolbar customizations are stored and they are corrupted
from time to time.

Chip Pearson
Microsoft MVP - Excel
Pearson Software Consulting, LLC

Steve Hieb

Thanks Chip. Actually found that removing Rob Bovey's Code Cleaner
made the menu start working again. Not sure if something I did in
combination with his add-in caused the corruption or what. I don't
recall the problem in the past, but I frequently use shortcuts so may
not have noticed the menu bar wasn't working. I've been using the
cleaner for months w/o problem. Guess you get what you pay for! <g>
Seriously, I'll try your suggestion b/c it does sound like a
corruption issue. Thanks again.

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