VBA Worksheet change name


James C

I wish to change the name of a worksheet (Which name can be varied) to
apredetermined name say Sheet1.

I particular wish this be done within a VBA statement. I have one macro
that affects several workbooks and consequently the worksheets will have
different names and I wish to use a one predetermined name to cover this


Chip Pearson

You can rename the worksheet with code like

Worksheets("OldName").Name = "NewName"

If you want to get the new name from a cell value, use something like

Worksheets("OldName").Name = Range("A1").Text

Chip Pearson
Microsoft MVP 1998 - 2010
Pearson Software Consulting, LLC
[email on web site]

Gord Dibben

How about using ActiveSheet in your code?

Or refer to the sheet codename

Worksheets(1) ignores the actual sheet name displayed on the sheet tab.

Gord Dibben MS Excel MVP

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