VBA Stops Before competing the program



Hi Guys (that refers to all of you gurus out there) !!
I have a VBA that goes as below.

The program STOPS (not break) executing at the "Workbooks.Open" line when I
assign it to short cut keys (eg Ctrl-Shift- T). There are several other
command lines yet to be executed.

It works fine if I create a command button and assign MainTouchUp() macro to
the button.
It also works fine if I go to the Visual Basic Editor and hit "F5" in the
MainTouchUp() command lines.

By the way, the MainTouchUp() and the ReadTouchUp() are in different user
modules, not sure if this affects the program.

Please help.

Sub MainTouchUp()
Call ReadTouchUp(FileToOpen)
End Sub

Sub ReadTouchUp(FileToOpen)
Dim fs, f, s

Set fs = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set f = fs.GetFile(FileToOpen)
s = f.path

Masterfile = ActiveWorkbook.Name

STOPS AT THIS POINT : Workbooks.Open FileToOpen

If Right(FileToOpen, 3) = "csv" Then
Call ReadTouchUpCSV(s)
ElseIf Right(FileToOpen, 3) = "txt" Then
Call ReadTouchUpText
End If
End Sub

Dave Peterson

When you open a file and hold down the shift key, excel thinks you want to avoid
the Auto_open and workbook_open procedures.

If your shortcut key includes the shift key, then excel stops -- it's kind of

So if you remove the shift key from the shortcut key combination, things should
be back to normal.


It worked. Thanks !

Dave Peterson said:
When you open a file and hold down the shift key, excel thinks you want to avoid
the Auto_open and workbook_open procedures.

If your shortcut key includes the shift key, then excel stops -- it's kind of

So if you remove the shift key from the shortcut key combination, things should
be back to normal.

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