VBA Report control



I have a project using crash data where I would like a form to promp
the user for 1 of the 8 stock report from a pulldown box with options A
through E and a 'From' date and 'To' date. The options would be like
crashes involving Fatalities, or Injury crashes, or Pedestrian
crash...ect.. So each 1 of the 8 stock reports could have many
variables.. I would like to know if I can use the control source or how
I would go about programmicly in VBA setting the report source...

Report.source =
(Select * from Events
where Events.Date between(" & Date1 & "," & Date2 & ")
AND INJURY(or some other field) = " & Injury & ")

Can you do this? Any help or a link to some documentation would be


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