VBA question - calling Procedure from userform




This may be a fool question, but I need the right answer :)

I have these procedures in a userform called "Importing" wich gives m
the location of some file, with the route,name of file and sheet
need, like this:

Private Sub cmdSearchSource_Click()
Dim V As Variant
V = Application.GetOpenFilename("Excel files,*.xls", _
1, "Select source file", , False)
If (Left(V, 3) <> "Fal") Then
FileLocate.Text = V
FileName.Text = Right(V, Len(V) - 71)
End If
End Sub

Private Sub SheetName_Change()
Dim Sheet As String
Sheet = SheetName
End Sub

and have an other in a module called "OpenSaveClose" like this:

Sub OpenFile()
Workbooks.Open (V)
'here sentence to copy "Sheet from opened workbook to the workbook I a
working in called "oldworkbook"

End Sub

So I need to call Sub OpenFile from userform "Importing"



Not sure if I've understood, but it sounds like you want to pass th
filename to the other subroutine. Here's how you would do that:

Sub OpenFile(xFilename)
Workbooks.Open (xFilename)
'here sentence to copy "Sheet from opened workbook to the workbook I a
working in called "oldworkbook"

End Sub

Then call it from the userform using

Call OpenFile(V)

(assuming v is your filename from your original post.

Bob Phillips

Make sure that OpenFile is a public sub in a standard code module.



Bob Phillips
... looking out across Poole Harbour to the Purbecks
(remove nothere from the email address if mailing direct)

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