VBA porblem with monthly payment



Hi All ,
I want to create a database that calculate layaway payment.
For example mary buys a refrigerator and its price is 52000 in month 3.
At first She pays 12000 in month that month and must pay 10000 every month
four months 4,5,6 and 7.
Fldyear fldmonth fldname goods price monthlypayment balance
2007 3 mary refrigerator 52000 12000 40000
2007 4 mary refrigerator 10000 30000
2007 5 mary refrigerator 10000 20000
2007 6 mary refrigerator 10000 10000
2007 7 mary refrigerator 10000 0
What is vba code or other solutions ?
Thanks in advance


This is more complex than it looks on the surface. You need four tables.
That is because Mary may come back and make another layaway before the
refrigerator is paid off. And, she may layaway multiple items on one
The tables you need are:

This would hold all the demographic data related to each customer.

This would be a child table to tblCustomer. It would carry the information
about the purchase, but not the items purchased. It would be the date of the
purchase, the monthly amount to be paid, etc.

This would be a child table to tblPurchase. It would have one line for each
item purchased showing the item, the quantity purchased and the item price.

This would be a child table to tblPurchase. It would record each payment
and the date of the payment, possibly method of payment.


Hi Klatuu,
Your suggestion was very helpful. But how can I create records for future
months ?
For instance in month 3 for mary I want to add new records from month 3 to
month 7 and show her that in last month(7) balance will be zero .
Best regards

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