VBA Permanent Code



Does anyone know how reference a cell in VBA and be able to use that
reference in another method?

For example:
sub test1()

date = sheets("today").range("D2")

end sub

sub test2()

msgbox = "today's date is " & date

end sub

Can not seem to be able to set Date Permanently so that I can use the
in any method I want. Once it goes to the second sub, date is dropped
and now empty.

Thank you for helping me out. I appreciate any help I can get.

Kevin Yang


Declare it as public under declarations. Note that i've used da because you
can't use date as a variable it's a reserved word

Public da

Sub test1()

da = Sheets("monday").Range("a1")
Call test2
End Sub

Sub test2()

MsgBox ("today's date is " & da)

End Sub


you could also pass it as a parameter (but I would read up on parameter
passing - particularly ByRef and ByVal):

sub test1()
Dim lngDate as long
lngDate = sheets("today").range("D2")
Call test2(lngdate)
end sub

sub test2(ByVal x as long)
msgbox = "today's date is " & x
end sub

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