VBA line of code executes in Immediate Window but not in Code Window




Using 2007

Dim StartSearch as Long (Value preceeding line below is 13)
Dim FormulaStr as String (Value preceeding/after line below is 123]
Application.DisplayAlerts = True
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
Application.Calculation = xlAutomatic

StartSearch = IIf(InStr(StartSearch, FormulaStr, "'!") = InStr(StartSearch, FormulaStr, "'"), _
InStr(StartSearch, FormulaStr, "'!") + 2, InStr(StartSearch, FormulaStr, "'") + 1)

In the Code Window, this line does not change the next StartSearch value from 13 to 46.
Also, no error message is displayed.

But if I copy/paste/execute the same line in the Immediate Window StartSearch chages
from 13 to 46 as it should.

What am I missing? or is there a Bug in 2007?

TIA EagleOne


There may well be a bug in Excel xl 2007

Just on a hunch, I Copy/Pasted a second line of the same code under the first line and it worked.
If I delete either the first or second line neither works?

Also, I retyped the line of VBA code in case there was "garbage"; this did not work

This is the first time I can remember having to Code two lines of VBA Code to get one to work.

Any thoughts?


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