VBA Interaction with Excel from PowerPoint



I am running Office2000 and WinXP on an IBM T40 laptop.

I am using VBA in PowerPoint to fetch data from an Excel
spreadsheet. I am using a pretty standard approach, i.e.,
creating an Excel object on the fly, opening a
spreadsheet, fetching data, closing the spreadsheet and
then equiting the Excel object. This has worked quite
well with Outlook and Word. a code fragment is reproduced

' define Excel types and definitions
Dim xLApp As Excel.Application
Dim xLBook As Excel.Workbook
Dim xLSheet As Excel.Worksheet
Dim xLPath As String, xLFileName As String
' define location & filename of target spreadsheet
xLPath = ActivePresentation.Path
xLFileName = "SSU_Setup.xls"
' define application object
Set xLApp = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
' open target spreadsheet
' define target worksheet
xLApp.Workbooks.Open FileName:=xLPath + "\" +
Set xLSheet = xLApp.Workbooks
' do stuff with the spreadsheet
' close spreadsheet, quit xL
' misc housekeeping

This works fine. However if I alter the Close statement
to save the spreadsheet, i.e., SaveChanges:=True the
application hangs. If I go to "Task Manager" and end the
PPT session, I am then prompted with a "SAVE AS" window
for the spreadsheet. If I try to save the spreadsheet
over itself, I get the standard message asking me if I
really want to do that. Regardless of how I answer, the
SAVE AS window remains active until I cancel it. This
inability to save the spreadsheet using the above code is
unique to PowerPoint, i.e., it seems to work OK in Word
and Outlook

Any help would be appreciated.

Brian Reilly, MS MVP

Try changing the following code to what follows

'Try this
with xlApp
end with

Not tested but should work. Let me know if it doesn't and I'll
certainly write something that will work after testing it.

Brian Reilly, PowerPoint MVP

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