VBA in Excel 97 and 2003




The following macro works fine in Excel 2003. Its purpose is to set the
origin of the 2 axes (x and y, with a timescale on both x and y) of a
On my PC which is running Excel 2003, every work fine. On others PCs with
Excel 97, it bumps on the line :
.MinimumScale = Deb
with the error message : "Impossible to set the MinimumScale property"
What is the problem?
Thanks for your help!


Sub CalerOrigineAxes()
Dim Graphique As Object, Crobard As Object
Dim Deb As Long, Fin As Long, Clic As Integer

For Each Graphique In ActiveSheet.ChartObjects
Deb = [DebProj] 'Date de début du projet
Fin = [FinProj] 'Date de fin du projet
Set Crobard = Graphique.Chart

Clic = MsgBox("Confirmez vous la date de Début du projet : " &
Format(Deb, "dd/mm/yyyy") & Chr(13) & _
"et la date de Fin : " & Format(Fin, "dd/mm/yyyy") & Chr(13) & Chr(13) &
"Sinon, corrigez les dans la feuille Excel", vbOKCancel, "Caler l'origine
des axes")
If Clic = vbCancel Then Exit Sub 'Si l'utilisateur à cliqué sur

With Crobard.Axes(xlCategory)
.MinimumScale = Deb
.MaximumScale = Fin
.MinorUnit = 1
.MajorUnit = 15
.Crosses = xlCustom
.CrossesAt = Deb
.ReversePlotOrder = False
.ScaleType = xlLinear
.DisplayUnit = xlNone
End With

Peter T

Following works fine in my XL97

Sub test()
Dim ax As Axis
Dim d As Double
Set ax = ActiveSheet.ChartObjects(1).Chart.Axes(xlValue, _
d = ax.MinimumScale
MsgBox d
ax.MinimumScale = d - 1

End Sub

Would suggest there's something different about the chart/axis or the code
in your respective versions. Are you referring to an axis that has a
minimum scale, also look manually.

Peter T


Assuming on the troublesome machines DEB holds a valid value for the graph
(and the graph is off the correct type to use it and so forth - all these
type problems have been eliminated by seeing if you can perform the action

If you can physically go to one of the PC's after the error, go to the VBE
and with the bad workbook as the activeproject in the vbe, go to
tools=>references and see if you see MISSING for one or more references.
(you may have to hit the reset button first).

If you do find one or more references as MISSING, you need to clear up the
reference and get a good reference set (or remove the reference if it is not

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