vba code line number




i was wondering if there is an option in VBA to display line numbers o
the code. we are migrating to a new server space and i need to chang
database and file locations in my code, so i am just trying to map ou
on which lines i would need to change the code. so far my best optio
is to just keep a track of the module and the procedure name in whic
the code needs to change, but going through a lot of procedures is tim


The line and column number of the cursor's location are displayed in the
standard toolbar of the VBE (e.g. "Ln 1, Col 1"). You could annotate the
locations needing changed as you find them by adding a comment to the
end of the line - I use 'FIXME to mark problem lines. Then it's easy to
search the module for the notes.



thnx for the reply...thats a good solution.

another solution which i just found out from one of my co-workers i
using a bookmark...just go through the code and bookmark the lines yo
want..and later when you want to change the code, you can cycle throug
the bookmarks

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