VB6 form show Minimize button


RB Smissaert

Using a VB6 form in Excel as in the book Professional Excel Development.
This is the VB6 code that loads the form:

Public Sub ShowVB6Form()

Dim frmHelloWorld As FHelloWorld
Set frmHelloWorld = New FHelloWorld

Load frmHelloWorld
SetWindowLongA frmHelloWorld.hwnd, GWL_HWNDPARENT, mlXLhWnd
frmHelloWorld.Show 0

Set frmHelloWorld = Nothing

End Sub

Despite doing show Minimize button is True in the VB6 form properties, the
minimize button doesn't show.
The form can be minimized though via the title bar right-click menu.
How do I make the minimize button show?


Rob Bovey

Hi RB,

If you're working off the sample project from the CD, you'll need to
change the BorderStyle property of the VB6 form to either Fixed Single or
Single and set the MinButton property to True. The current Fixed Dialog
border style doesn't support minimize and maximize buttons.

Rob Bovey, Excel MVP
Application Professionals

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* Professional Excel Development

RB Smissaert


BorderStyle Fixed Single did the trick, thanks.
Didn't see the option Single.


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