VB2005: Error Using a Separate Search Form


Anne DeBlois

I am working on a form (details) and I need my form to allow to search on
some char fields.

I have a button next to the field users can search. The button calls a
pop-up form to enter the string to search.

ItemsTableAdapter is the table adapter used for the form.

I have 1863 records in the Items table. My goal is to show only the records
matching the string using the same form.

I have modified the DataSet to add a query using a parameter:
SELECT No, Type, ..... Interest3 FROM items where nm_latin like
@srch_nm_latin order by nm_latin

This code is executed when I return from the pop-up. The string contain a
string. Example: "thing%"

If (String.IsNullOrEmpty(Me.Recherche.Text) = False) Then
Dim rech_str As String = Me.Recherche.Text
Me.ItemsTableAdapter.ClearBeforeFill = True
End If

Once this code has executed, the BindingNavigatorchangedItem function is
called and I need to get the key values I am not displaying in the form:

' Load the key values in the form field variables
(Me.SignsDataSet.items.Rows(Me.ItemsBindingSource.Position).IsNull("No") =
False) Then
Me.NoKey =
Me.SignsDataSet.items.Rows(Me.ItemsBindingSource.Position).Item("No") '
Me.NoKey = 0
End If

I have seen examples where a new TableAdapter is used for search. I don't
know how I could do that since my form is all built on the

Any hint on how to do this will be appreciated.

Kevin Yu [MSFT]

Hi Anne,

I noticed in your code, you're using Me.SignsDataSet.items.Rows. Is items
table in the DataSet? If so, could you let me know the error message? Is it
a build error or runtime error?

Kevin Yu
Microsoft Online Community Support

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