VB to C#




I need to convert the select statement below from VB ASP to C# ASP.NET. Pls.
help and thanks in advance.

' Create recordset and query

Set rsCHI = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")

sCHI = "SELECT a.cust_des1, a.des1 projectName, b.job_no JobNo, b.des1
jobName, b.contract_amt, " _
& "b.est_start_date,b.est_completion_date " _
& "FROM pa_project_master a, pa_job b " _
& "WHERE b.project_no = '" & Request("projectNo") & "' " _
& " And a.project_no = b.project_no " _
& " And b.job_no in (select job_no from pa_security where emp_no = '" &
Session("userempno") & "' "_
& " And project_no= '" & Request("projectNo") & "')"

' Open recordset and run query
rsCHI.Open sCHI,db,,,adCmdText

If rsCHI.EOF Then
End if
Response.Expires = 0

' Set customer session variable
Session("customer") = rsCHI("cust_des1")
detailJobNo = rsCHI("jobNo")

Cor Ligthert


Because of the fact that the result will be C# code, is the newsgroup

a much better place for this question.

Altough that you will get a good answer is not so likely because you are
using ADODB "recordset" code what is not so much used with dotNet.

While you as well use a Select string that is agains most rules.

However I think that you can better try it there.



C# does not require line continuation like VB does. You don't have to
convert the SQL statement, you need to change syntax. So lets say for
example you had this:
sCHI = "SELECT a.cust_des1, a.des1 projectName, b.job_no JobNo, b.des1,
" & _
"jobName, b.contract_amt FROM SomeTable"
In C#, you can do this:
sCHI = @"SELECT a.cust_des1, a.des1 projectName, b.job_no JobNo, b.des1
jobName, b.contract_amt FROM SomeTable";

Of course, your code appears to have a shortcut to setting the object
sCHI equal to a string (which is actually setting it to the default
property of the ADO Recordset) . Try to avoid this and explicitly
assign the appropriate property.

Also, the line continuation is the least of your worries. You should
use ADO.NET objects instead of classic ADO. In ASP.NET the Request ,
Response and Session objects are still available to you, but use them
wisely, in particularly , Session. My strongest recommendation for you
is to go to msdn.microsoft.com and read up on best practices for
Good Luck

Vinny Davi

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