VB Project consumes Win 98 System Resources


Tim C Reed


I have a new VB.NET Timesheet project that runs fine under XP, but crashes
and burns under 98 due to a lack of System Resources.

For example, I lose 68% of the System Resources by just opening the project,
even without any code! (P3 550 w/192MB.)

My program is a bit hefty with over 400 text fields, but still... 68% of
System Resources!? Yikes! Even MS Word only takes about 4%.

(Interestingly, I found I could free up HALF the resources if I change the
textboxes to WHITE.)

Anyone else seen this? Is there any other way to make such projects run
smaller under Win 98?


Michael Moreno

My program is a bit hefty with over 400 text fields, but still... 68% of
System Resources!? Yikes! Even MS Word only takes about 4%.

You mean you have 400 TextBoxes on a Form ???
Can you use a Grid/spreadsheet instead ?

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