VB.Net to C#. The problem of Delegate



Dear all:

I want to use a software API functions on my project,but it was written
VB.NET. I am using C#, So how to write these code by C#, espacially
Delegate. I tried several times, but I failed. The below is the part
code by VB.NET

Sub DoOCR(ByRef FileName As String)
Dim cbFunc As SimpleOCX.outputHandlerDelegate
Dim ret As Interger
cbFunc = AddressOf myoutputhandler
ret = objOCR.OCRSetOutputHandlerX(cbFunc)
Exit Sub

Sub myoutputhandler(ByVal infotype As Short, ByVal param As Short)
End Sub


I posted this on the wrong thread before...

I replaced "Exit Sub" with "End Sub" at the end of DoOCR, I believe that is
how it should be.

VB.NET version:
Sub DoOCR(ByRef FileName As String)
Dim cbFunc As SimpleOCX.outputHandlerDelegate
Dim ret As Interger
cbFunc = AddressOf myoutputhandler
ret = objOCR.OCRSetOutputHandlerX(cbFunc)
End Sub

Sub myoutputhandler(ByVal infotype As Short, ByVal param As Short)
End Sub

C# .NET version
void DoOCR(ref string FileName)
SimpleOCX.outputHandlerDelegate cbFunc;
int ret;

cbFunc = new SimpleOCX.outputHandlerDelegate(myoutputhandler);
ret = objOCR.OCRSetOutputHandlerX(cbFunc);

void myoutputhandler(short infotype, short param)

Let me add that this code doesn't make any sense as FileName is never
assigned to and myoutputhandler has no code in it.


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