VB.NET Structures and Union Help.

  • Thread starter Danny Mavromatis
  • Start date

Danny Mavromatis

I have a chunk of VC.NET code (below) that I need to convert to VB.NET
syntax. Could someone help me get started? I'm new to structures and
unions and I don't understand how to nest then in VB.NET.


//unsigned char StartChar;
unsigned char MessageLength;
union {
unsigned char Data[255];
struct {
unsigned char MessageType;
union {
struct /* olmNAME_DATA (8 bit) */ {
unsigned char ItemType8;
unsigned char ItemNumber8;
unsigned char ItemName8[16];
struct /* olmNAME_DATA (16 bit) */ {
unsigned char ItemType16;
unsigned char ItemNumber16MSB;
unsigned char ItemNumber16LSB;
unsigned char ItemName16[16];
struct /* olmEVENT_LOG_DATA */ {
unsigned char EventNumber; // (1-N, With 1 Being Most Recent)
unsigned char EventTimeDateValid;
unsigned char EventMonth; // (1-12)
unsigned char EventDay; // (1-31)
unsigned char EventHour; // (0-23)
unsigned char EventMinute; // (0-59)
unsigned char EventType;
unsigned char EventParameter1;
unsigned char EventParameter2High;
unsigned char EventParameter2Low;
struct /* olmCOMMAND_MESSAGE */ {
unsigned char Command;
unsigned char Parameter1;
unsigned char Parameter2High;
unsigned char Parameter2Low;
struct /* olmSET_TIME */ {
unsigned char stYear;
unsigned char stMonth;
unsigned char stDay;
unsigned char stDOW;
unsigned char stHour;
unsigned char stMinute;
unsigned char stDST;
struct /* olmSYSTEM_INFORMATION */ {
unsigned char ModelNumber;
unsigned char MajorVersion;
unsigned char MinorVersion;
unsigned char Revision;
unsigned char LocalPhoneNumber[25];
struct /* olmSYSTEM_STATUS */ {
unsigned char TimeDateValidFlag;
unsigned char Year; // (0-99)
unsigned char Month; // (1-12)
unsigned char Day; // (1-31)
unsigned char DayOfWeek; // (1-7)
unsigned char Hour; // (0-23)
unsigned char Minute; // (0-59)
unsigned char Second; // (0-59)
unsigned char DaylightSavingsTimeFlag;
unsigned char CalculatedSunriseHour; // (0-23)
unsigned char CalculatedSunriseMinute; // (0-59)
unsigned char CalculatedSunsetHour; // (0-23)
unsigned char CalculatedSunsetMinute; // (0-59)
unsigned char BatteryReading;
unsigned char AreaSecurityMode[8]; // index 0-7
struct {
unsigned char Status;
unsigned char BatteryReading;
} ExpansionEnclosure[8]; // index 0-7
struct /* olmREQUEST_ZONE_STATUS */ {
unsigned char StartingZone;
unsigned char EndingZone;
struct /* olmZONE_STATUS */ {
unsigned char ZoneStatus;
unsigned char AnalogLoopReading;
} Zone[127];
struct /* olmREQUEST_UNIT_STATUS (8 bit) */ {
unsigned char StartingUnit;
unsigned char EndingUnit;
struct /* olmREQUEST_UNIT_STATUS (16 bit) */ {
unsigned char StartingUnitMSB;
unsigned char StartingUnitLSB;
unsigned char EndingUnitMSB;
unsigned char EndingUnitLSB;
struct /* olmUNIT_STATUS */ {
unsigned char CurrentCondition;
unsigned char HighByteOfTime;
unsigned char LowByteOfTime;
} Unit[84];
unsigned char StartingTemperatureSensor;
unsigned char EndingTemperatureSensor;
struct /* olmAUXILIARY_STATUS */ {
unsigned char RelayStatus;
unsigned char CurrentTemperature;
unsigned char LowHeatTemperatureSetpoint;
unsigned char HighCoolTemperatureSetpoint;
} TempSensor[63];
unsigned char StartingThermostat;
unsigned char EndingThermostat;
struct /* olmTHERMOSTAT_STATUS */ {
unsigned char StatusByte;
unsigned char CurrentTemperature;
unsigned char HeatSetpoint;
unsigned char CoolSetpoint;
unsigned char SystemMode;
unsigned char FanMode;
unsigned char HoldStatus;
} Thermostat[36];
struct /* olmLOGIN */ {
unsigned char LoginCode1;
unsigned char LoginCode2;
unsigned char LoginCode3;
unsigned char LoginCode4;
struct /* olmSYSTEM_EVENTS */ {
unsigned char High;
unsigned char Low;
} SystemEvent[127];
struct /* olmMESSAGE_STATUS */ {
unsigned char Data;
} MessageStatus[33];
unsigned char AreaNumber; // (1-8)
unsigned char Code1; // First Digit Of Code
unsigned char Code2; // Second Digit Of Code
unsigned char Code3; // Third Digit Of Code
unsigned char Code4; // Fourth Digit Of Code
unsigned char UserCodeNumber; // (1-99, 251 for duress, 0 if
unsigned char AuthorityLevel;
}; // union
}; // struct
}; // union


Herfried K. Wagner [MVP]

Danny Mavromatis said:
I have a chunk of VC.NET code (below) that I need to convert to VB.NET
syntax. Could someone help me get started? I'm new to structures and
unions and I don't understand how to nest then in VB.NET.

You can simulate unions using the 'FieldOffset' attribute as shown in the
sample at
VB.NET doesn't support unions in its syntax directly.

Danny Mavromatis


Thanks for the quick reply... however, looking at the example, I'm a bit

Lets say I have the following from VC.NET:

//unsigned char StartChar;
unsigned char MessageLength;
union {
unsigned char Data[255];
struct {
unsigned char MessageType;
union {
struct /* olmNAME_DATA (8 bit) */ {
unsigned char ItemType8;
unsigned char ItemNumber8;
unsigned char ItemName8[16];
struct /* olmNAME_DATA (16 bit) */ {
unsigned char ItemType16;
unsigned char ItemNumber16MSB;
unsigned char ItemNumber16LSB;
unsigned char ItemName16[16];
}; // union
}; // struct
}; // union

I would have the following in VB.NET???:

<StructLayout(LayoutKind.Explicit)> _
Private Structure R_OMNI_LINK_MESSAGE
' struct {
<FieldOffset(0)> Public MessageLength As Integer
<FieldOffset(2)> Public MessageType As Char
<FieldOffset(4)> Public ItemType8 As Char
<FieldOffset(6)> Public ItemNumber8 As Char
' }
End Structure

I'm not understanding the concept... could someone help me get started with
the code I have? So I can visually see how to do it with my code.


Cor Ligthert [MVP]


You know that converting direct from one language to another gives forever
terrible code. The first time I saw this was in the Cobol Fortran battle

Somebody usually writing Fortran had showed how much inefficient
instructions were needed to do a sort in Cobol, while he could done it clean
in Fortran.

He did not know that Sort is in Cobol one method.



Cor, you are showing your age;-)
its a bit like rewriting an 8080 block copy into Z80 instead of using the
intrinsic LDIR opcode. That dates me too lol


Danny Mavromatis

So are you guys saying it's not possible? The reason why I need to convert
to VB.NET is because the provider of the DLL doesn't have an example for
VB.NET so, I'm trying to make it work with my application... everything else
I rewrote and is working... I'm just stuck on the unions and structures.
It's something that I haven't ever been exposed to in VB.NET. So I was
asking for some help... I take it that it's more difficuilt to do unions and
structures in VB.net than it is writting a reply that doesn't really help,
otherwise, someone would have provided some example code with my example, to
help me on my way.

Cor Ligthert [MVP]


No that is not what we are writing. We try to tell you that it is better to
analyze your problem than to take a piece of code from a not related
development tool.

If you decribe your problem than it is problably in newsgroups like this
easier to help you. Mostly you find it than yourself by the way.

I hope this helps,


Danny Mavromatis

Umm, no, the reason why I posted is because I have exhaused my resources and
this is my last resort.

What I need help with is this:

I have a record structure that comes in via WM_COPYDATA and I grab the
cbData (length of response message) and lpData (ptr to response message).
This data must be copied to local variables so I can access the data outside
of the WM_COPYDATA function. So, for ease of processing the cbData and
lpData, it can be moved into a R_OMNI_LINK_MESSAGE structure (which is the
where I'm stuck) where the fields can be referred to by name rather than
byte offset.

So, I'm trying to figure out a way to do this in VB.net... structures and
unions seem to make sense, since that is what they are designed for...
however, I don't know anything about them in VB.net... hence, me asking for
some help.


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