VB.Net SQL Select reading every other record.


Jason Kumpf

OK I've been staring at this code all day and still with everything I
have tried I cannot figure out two problems I am having. Once is why
the space limit for the directory I create in the code fails. Second,
why the data reader is reading every other record. Here is all of the
source code for my little application followed by the contents of the
log file that it dumps out:
Imports System
Imports System.Xml
Imports System.IO
Imports System.data.oledb
Imports System.Data.sqlclient

Public Class Form1
Inherits System.Windows.Forms.Form
Private logFileName As String = "AccountGeneration"
Private logFileExt As String = ".log"
Private logFile As TextWriter
Private timeStamp As String = Replace(DateString, "-", "") &
Replace(TimeString, ":", "")

Private newAccounts As Long

Private ref As SAGReference = New SAGReference
Private tree As String = ""
Private organization As String = ""
Private volText As String = ""
Private directoryName As String = ""

Private volume As String = ""
Private volDirectory As String = ""
Private directorySpace As Long = 100000

Private Sub btnGenerate_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal
e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnGenerate.Click
End Sub

Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As
System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
ref = New SAGReference
Dim currentLDAPServer As String = ref.SAG_CURRENT_LDAP_SERVER
tree = ref.SAG_CAS_TREE
organization = ref.SAG_CAS_ORGANIZATION
volText = ref.SAG_CAS_VOL_TEXT
directoryName = ref.SAG_CAS_DIRECTORY_NAME
End Sub

Private Sub generateAccounts()
'Dim SQL As String = "Select count(*) AS user_count from
Dim rowCount As Long = 0
Dim nullRecordCount = 0
Dim isNewAccount As Boolean
Dim createCount As Long = 0

Me.Cursor.Current() = System.Windows.Forms.Cursors.WaitCursor
Me.newAccounts = 0

Dim appPath As String =
appPath = appPath.Substring(0,
Me.logFile = File.CreateText("..\" + logFileName &
timeStamp & logFileExt)

Dim logString As String

Dim dsn As String =
"server=sandere;database=Student_Mirror;User ID=sa;Password=ma6ic4"
Dim myConn As New SqlConnection
Dim SQL As String = "SELECT count(*) AS Expr1 FROM
myConn.ConnectionString = dsn 'connString
myConn.Open() ' open the connection

' Lets get the total count first.
Dim cCommand As New SqlCommand(SQL, myConn)
cCommand.CommandText = SQL
cCommand.Connection = myConn
Dim myCntReader As SqlDataReader
myCntReader = cCommand.ExecuteReader()
If myCntReader.HasRows Then
While myCntReader.Read
rowCount = myCntReader("Expr1")
End While
End If

' Now lets get everything we need for each student.
SQL = "SELECT TOP 10 * FROM Student_Registered ORDER BY
Dim myCommand As New SqlCommand(SQL, myConn)
'Dim myCommand As New SqlCommand("StudentsSelect", myConn)
'myCommand.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure
Dim myReader As SqlDataReader
myReader = myCommand.ExecuteReader()

pbAccounts.Minimum = 0
pbAccounts.Maximum = rowCount
pbAccounts.Visible = True
rowCount = 0
nAccounts.Text = 0
nHomeDirs.Text = 0
spaceSet.Text = 0
trusteeSet.Text = 0

While myReader.Read
rowCount = rowCount + 1
logString = "Processing user:"
logRecord(processStudentAccount(myReader, logString))
stbStudents.Text = "Record " & rowCount & " of " &
pbAccounts.Maximum & " records processed."
End While
logRecord("Record " & rowCount & " of " &
pbAccounts.Maximum & " records processed.")
logRecord("New Accounts: " + nAccounts.Text + " Home Dir
Created: " + nHomeDirs.Text + " Trustees Set: " + trusteeSet.Text)
Catch fillexception As System.Exception
Me.Cursor.Current() = System.Windows.Forms.Cursors.Default
End Try

End Sub

Private Function processStudentAccount(ByVal inReader As
SqlDataReader, ByVal logString As String) As String
Dim studentAccountName As String
Dim studentCollege As String
If inReader.Read() Then
studentAccountName = CStr(inReader("username")).Trim(" ")
studentCollege = Me.DeNull(inReader("college"))
logString += studentAccountName
End If
Dim college As String = getCollegeName(studentCollege)
Dim isNewAccount As Boolean
Dim userEntry As NWDirLib.NWEntry
Dim studentEntry As NWDirLib.NWEntry
Dim studentEntryPath As String = "NDS:\\" & tree & "\" &
organization & "\STUDENT\" & college & "\" & studentAccountName
Dim homeDirPath As String = "NDS:\\" & tree & "\" &
organization & "\NWCLUSTER_STUDENT"

studentEntry = doFindEntry(studentEntryPath)
userEntry = studentEntry
If IsNothing(userEntry) Then
isNewAccount = True
nAccounts.Text += 1
isNewAccount = False
logString += createHomeDirectory(userEntry,
directoryName, homeDirPath, Me.directorySpace, college)
End If
Catch exception As System.Exception
Dim eMsg = exception.Message & " == " & exception.HelpLink
logString += "Unhandled exception '" + eMsg + "' while
End Try

Return logString
End Function

Private Function createHomeDirectory(ByRef inUser As
NWDirLib.NWEntry, ByVal inDirectoryName As String, ByVal
inUserFullName As String, ByVal inDirAmount As Long, ByVal college As
String) As String
Dim MKDir As NWVolAdmLib.NWEntryType
Dim Path As New NWDirLib.NWPath
Dim NewDirectory As NWVolAdmLib.NWEntry
Dim NewTrustee As NWVolAdmLib.NWTrustee 'Making a trustee
Dim shortName As String = inUser.ShortName
Dim logRec As String

MKDir = NWVolAdmLib.NWEntryType.NETWAREDIR 'Specifies that
this object is a directory
NWVolAdm1.FullName = getVolume()

Dim d1 As String = "\" & inDirectoryName & "\" & shortName
NewDirectory = NWVolAdm1.FindEntry(NWVolAdm1.FullName &
logRec += " N"
Catch ex As Exception
'Creating the directory
NewDirectory = NWVolAdm1.Entry.Entries.Add(d1, MKDir)
nHomeDirs.Text += 1
logRec += " Y"
Catch exp As Exception
logRec += " - " + exp.Message + "::" +
End Try
End Try
Dim t1 = "NDS:\\" & tree & "\" & organization & "\Student\" &
college & "\" & shortName
'getting reference to trustee objects of directory
NewTrustee = NewDirectory.Trustees.Add(t1)
'setting rights
NewTrustee.EffectiveRights.Create = True
NewTrustee.EffectiveRights.Erase = True
NewTrustee.EffectiveRights.Write = True
NewTrustee.EffectiveRights.Modify = True
NewTrustee.EffectiveRights.Read = True
NewTrustee.EffectiveRights.Scan = True
trusteeSet.Text += 1
logRec += " Y"
Catch ex As Exception
logRec += " N"
End Try

'NewDirectory.Size = inDirAmount
Dim limit As NWVolAdmLib.NWSpaceLimit
'Dim NWVolAdm2 As NWVolAdm
'limit = NWVolAdm1.SpaceLimits.Add(t1, inDirAmount)
'NewDirectory.DontCompress = True
'NewDirectory.RenameInhibit = True
Dim spcLimit As NWVolAdmLib.NWSpaceLimit
Dim HomeDirVolume = getVolume()
NWVolAdm1.FullName = HomeDirVolume
t1 = getVolume() + "\Home\" + shortName
spcLimit = NWVolAdm1.SpaceLimits.Add(t1,
spaceSet.Text += 1
logRec += " Y"
Catch ex As Exception
logRec += " N"
End Try

NewTrustee = Nothing
NewDirectory = Nothing
Return logRec
End Function

'PRIVATE functions for validation

Private Sub logRecord(ByVal inMsg As String)
End Sub

Private Function doFindEntry(ByVal Path As String) As
Return NWDir1.FindEntry(Path)
Catch ex As Exception
If ex.Message <> "Directory entry not found" Then
Throw ex
End If
End Try
End Function

Private Function DeNull(ByVal ThisValue As System.Object) As
Return IIf(ThisValue Is DBNull.Value, 0, ThisValue)
End Function

Private Function getVolume() As String
volume = "NDS:\\" & tree & "\" & organization & "\" & volText
Return volume
End Function

Private Function getVolDirectory() As String
volDirectory = volume & "\" & directoryName
Return volDirectory
End Function

Private Function getCollegeName(ByRef collnum As Integer)
Dim sList As XmlNodeList
sList = readFile("Colleges.xml")
For Each myNode As XmlNode In sList
Dim sCode As String = myNode.ChildNodes(0).Value
If sCode = collnum Then
Dim aNode As XmlNode = myNode.PreviousSibling
Dim rName As String = aNode.ChildNodes(0).Value
Return rName
End If
Return "Non Matrics"
End Function

Private Function readFile(ByRef fname As String)
Dim myDoc As New XmlDocument
Dim root As XmlNode = myDoc.DocumentElement()
Dim selectList As XmlNodeList =
Return selectList
Catch ex As Exception
MessageBox.Show("Error reading Colleges: " + ex.Message)
End Try

End Function

Private Sub btnClose_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e
As System.EventArgs) Handles btnClose.Click
End Sub
End Class
Processing user:aardenaw N N N
Processing user:abadd N N N
Processing user:abatems N N N
Processing user:abbaticm N N N
Processing user:abbinala N N N
Record 5 of 43379 records processed.
New Accounts: 0 Home Dir Created: 0 Trustees Set: 0

The first time it ran the other functions (creating the home
directory, setting the trustee settings) all worked fine.

The following is what I get when I paste the exact SQL statement in to
Query Analyser and Enterprise Manager (MS SQL Server 2000).
aardemas 18
aardenaw 23
aaronjm 32
abadd 28
abankwek 15
abatems 20
abbasns 15
abbaticm 42
abbeysc 22
abbinala 34

As you can see every other name is being processed in the VB code so
for some reason my while read is only reading every other record.



Since we all may not be as intimately familiar with your data it is nice
that you posted all of your code ... but it helps a lot more and answers may
come faster if you can try to duplicate the issue using as little code as
possible and by using the sample databases that most everyone is familiar
with - the ones that come with the MS Tools, such as NWind or Biblio.

Trying to get it down to the real issue using those databases sometimes also
is a grerat help to you, since in trying to get to to just a simple example
you might come across the answer that was elluding you.

Would it be possible for you to shave the example code down a bit?

If not, then maybe setting a breakpoint and carefully watching every single
line of code execute in it's turn might point a finger somewhere.

Also... you might want to change the password on that database.

Robert Smith
Kirkland, WA

Jason Kumpf

Thanks for the advice and I will try out a few things. Also the
database password is not that, I changed it to some gobly gook before
posting but thanks for the heads up.

Jim Hughes

It appears that you are using MyReader.Read twice, once in generateAccounts
and then again in processStudentAccount

processStudentAccount is advancing it once, then passing the control back to
the reader loop in generateAccounts, which advances it again, causing every
other row to be skipped.

Take out the "If inReader.Read() Then" and matching "End If" in

Jason Kumpf

That took care of it! Great! Now the only problem is with the code
that I'm using to creat the home directory space limit. Here is a
snip of just that code:

Dim MKDir As NWVolAdmLib.NWEntryType
Dim Path As New NWDirLib.NWPath
Dim NewDirectory As NWVolAdmLib.NWEntry
Dim NewTrustee As NWVolAdmLib.NWTrustee 'Making a trustee
Dim shortName As String = inUser.ShortName
Dim logRec As String

MKDir = NWVolAdmLib.NWEntryType.NETWAREDIR 'Specifies that
this object is a directory
NWVolAdm1.FullName = getVolume()

Dim d1 As String = "\" & inDirectoryName & "\" & shortName
NewDirectory = NWVolAdm1.FindEntry(NWVolAdm1.FullName &
logRec += " N"
Catch ex As Exception
'Creating the directory
NewDirectory = NWVolAdm1.Entry.Entries.Add(d1, MKDir)
nHomeDirs.Text += 1
logRec += " Y"
Catch exp As Exception
logRec += " - " + exp.Message + "::" +
End Try
End Try
Dim t1 = "NDS:\\" & tree & "\" & organization & "\Student\" &
college & "\" & shortName
'getting reference to trustee objects of directory
NewTrustee = NewDirectory.Trustees.Add(t1)
'setting rights
NewTrustee.EffectiveRights.Create = True
NewTrustee.EffectiveRights.Erase = True
NewTrustee.EffectiveRights.Write = True
NewTrustee.EffectiveRights.Modify = True
NewTrustee.EffectiveRights.Read = True
NewTrustee.EffectiveRights.Scan = True
trusteeSet.Text += 1
logRec += " Y"
Catch ex As Exception
logRec += " N"
End Try

'HERE IS WHERE I'm having trouble.
Dim spcLimit As NWVolAdmLib.NWSpaceLimit
Dim HomeDirVolume = getVolume()
NWVolAdm1.FullName = HomeDirVolume
t1 = getVolume() + "\Home\" + shortName
'WHEN we hti this line we throw the exception
spcLimit = NWVolAdm1.SpaceLimits.Add(t1,
spaceSet.Text += 1
logRec += " Y"
Catch ex As Exception
logRec += " N"
End Try
NewTrustee = Nothing
NewDirectory = Nothing
Return logRec

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