VB.net Project??


R Doornbosch

We currently do a ton of tracking and data collection of parents and
children that use our facilities, this includes registration, and a sign in
and out "FORM" each time they visit, plus additional tracking done by the
people on the floor. We'd like to automate as much of the paper work as
possible and save everyone a lot of trouble. The only problem is that we
currently have 10 different sites. So this is what I'd like to do.

When users enter our facility I'd like to have them electronically sign in
(right now I'm thinking of using key ring barcodes and a barcode reader) or
a last name and phone number search. Once the user is identified it would
list all of the children that they have registered in the past and give them
the option to specify which children are with them now.

I'm a VB 6 and ActiveX developer by trade but haven't programmed in about 8
months, I've been given the resources and time to pursue this project if I
want to teach myself something new so the question is can VB.net handle
this? I'd prefer to have the program run as a web application so that all
the sites are using the most current information and so that I don't have to
visit each site every time there is a problem with the "software" I've done
web based ActiveX's in the past but wasn't happy with the amount of tech
support that I needed to keep them running. I think a web style application
would be best. I'd appreciate your thoughts and comments.

CJ Taylor

R Doornbosch said:
We currently do a ton of tracking and data collection of parents and
children that use our facilities, this includes registration, and a sign in
and out "FORM" each time they visit, plus additional tracking done by the
people on the floor. We'd like to automate as much of the paper work as
possible and save everyone a lot of trouble. The only problem is that we
currently have 10 different sites. So this is what I'd like to do.

You can do this Web or WinApp, doesn't matter, just depends on the
connectivity. The biggest thing will be you database connectivity and where
that is stored. I think thats your challenge right now.

The obviuos advantages of web over application is no distribution issues.
its just there, but a lot more work goes into concept development and design
than in a windows app.

So, if you want to make it, pretty, fun, easy to add new stuff... do the
web... if you want a stable/quick application with a familar UI, use a win
app... =)

Hope it helps.


I was not sure if I could answer your question, but I give it a try.
VB.net is a tremendous tool for Web Application.
If you are familiar with VB6 you maybe have seen the IIS web part from VB6.
That project was stopped. For me the principles of that are almost the same
as Asp.Net
Use the power of a real program as the backbone for your web applications.
But I think that VB.net with Asp.net has maybe 1000 times more possibilities
as VB6 IIS.

But remember that it is not a tool as Power Project with what you make a
webpage and after a while gives it a new theme and there is a new website.
When you use Asp.net it is basically to communicate in 1 to many directions
and visa versa.
Therefore I think that starting a project with crappie data architecture
will lead to nothing.

Is your data architecture ok, than you have to consider about your standard
Keep always in mind that you are working with the net, and not everybody has
a 2Gb connection. There are people who have a 2Kb connection too.

Do you have only clients in your own offices then you can think on Window
applications like with VB6. You can communicate with a Window program over
the net with an asp.net Web server.

Why I write this, just to show you that it is not go and ready. A lot of
things have to be decided before you begin. It will be a long chain of

I find the tools from Visual.Studio.Net terrific; I can do almost everything
with it.
Except making Window Pages in the way it is possible with tools as
I think that when you use Visual.Studio.Net as your tool, you know at the
start what will be the end of your project.

Just some thoughts.


Stupid fool I am PowerProject has nothing too do with this.
"> But remember that it is not a tool as Power Project with what you make a
But remember that it is not a tool as FrontPage with what you make a


Fergus Cooney

Hi R,

My impression is that you are very familiar with Windows Apps and familiar with interacting with the Web, but are not a Web
designer as such.

Given that, I would tend towards a central Web Service with a Windows App for your clients. Like Chris says, there's a lot
involved in doing a complete Web App, especially if it's new territory.

The sign-in stuff could be entirely web-based as it is self-contained and reasonably simply. There's only so much going on with
and once it's done, it's done.

With the paper shuffling, however, it's a case of how long is a piece of string. And the answer is that it gets longer and
longer the more you tug on it. With your Windows experience you'll be more comfortable and capable with this, I would imagine.

Doing it this way - WinForms App, simple Web Service, simple Web App will give you experience in all three areas with the bulk
being where you are more familiar (and you'll find big enough differences there, going from VB6 to VB.NET!).

However you decide, have fun and good luck. You're welcome to bring queries here.*

All the best,

* (but be ready to duck if the newsgroup police think you're in the wrong area)

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