VB.NET File watcher/transfers question ?

  • Thread starter Jarrod Morrison
  • Start date

Jarrod Morrison


Im sure this is possible im just not sure about the best way to approach it
so any help or comments is greatly appreciated

I have a windows service program that runs at startup and remains always
running. This service interacts with the user and a database server and
supports remote commands with a management package that our company uses. At
present we are running an app on a server that we are trying to move the
local machines which is easy enough. This particular app interfaces with an
sql server but has components that are added or removed on a weekly basis or
sometimes daily (By components i mean addin files that are loaded at the
startup of the program and at predefined program refresh times). The issue
we have now we are running the program locally is that i dont know what the
best way is to go about transferring the initial files from a server based
UNC path and then monitoring these files to see if they change and transfer
them either at a predefined interval or automatically after they are created
or modified and how to remove them when they are deleted. The amount of data
for any given period is between 1MB and 10MB at the moment and shouldnt grow
to much.

So my question is how would you approach this ?

Any help is greatly appreciated


solution depends on scale.
how many workstations being deployed
what is the growth rate
why? if this is large network of lots of PC using this app, refreshing the
app may bog down the network or server.
10MB* 100 is 1GBytes.
if only refreshed once a day at night, you may not have worry for a long
time. otherwise you may have to look for more complex alternative like
server client cooperative simulcasts and receive.

there is this file watcher example form msdn. Sorry, I don't remember the
There is also some other example of application start-up code to check for
new files plus example of timed search for new files and reload./download

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