VB.Net Deployment


Ellis Yu

Hi everyone.

I have developed a VB.Net application that I want to install on our 2003
server network. I have tried setting it up on a server but it will not open
on a
workstation. A just in time debugger are shown that an exception
"system.security.securityexception" occurred. But the program is fine if I
install it in the client workstation. Is it possible to install it this way
so that its
forms(interface) can be accessed by many users over a network (about 10
people will be using it)? I imagined that by installing the application on a
server and sharing it, each time a workstation tries to open it they get a
copy of the application rather than run it directly from the server.
Can anybody help?

Thanks in advance,

Adam Goossens


..NET Code Access Security (CAS) isn't my specialty, but when you run
code from a network share it runs with a much more restrictive set of
permissions than if it was being run from the local machine.

You can configure the individual machine to grant higher permissions to
code coming from network shares by using the .NET Configuration GUI
(Control Panel -> Administrative Tools) and tweaking the Runtime
Security Policy.

I can't really be much more help than that, though.

Oh, you might want to take note of the SecurityException message - it'll
tell you what the code attempted to do. Once you know that it'll make
adjusting the CAS configuration easier.


Ellis Yu

Hi Adam,

Thanks for your help. I found out the error was raise by Microsoft
Application Block - Exception Management. The function VerifyValidSource
send out an error "Request Fail". Do you know how to fix it? Thanks

Best Rdgs

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