VB.Net 2005 Treeview example required


Karl Rhodes

Hi all this may seem really easy to most of you, but Im just getting to
grips with 2005 and the new features.

I have a dataset from a database which has a ParentID, ChildID and
ObjectName fields.
I was under the impression I should be able to just cycle through the
rows in the dataset and add them (or insert them using the indexofkey
by the ParentID) to the TreeNodeCollection for the treeview. However,
when I go to fins the indexs for the third level objects or lower no
index is found and it all goes pear shaped.

If anyone has a very simple example of populating a treeview control
using vb.net from a dataset using the schema I have described, please
point me in the right direction or email it to me at karlrhodes at
hotmail dot com

Dim arrNodes() As TreeNode
Dim oNodes As TreeNodeCollection = myTreeView.Nodes
For Each oDRow In myDataSet.Tables("Hierarchy").Rows
strChildID = oDRow("Object_Id")
strObjectName = oDRow("ObjectName")
If Not IsDBNull(oDRow("Parent_Id")) Then strParentID =
oDRow("Parent_Id") Else strParentID = 0
arrNodes = oNodes.Find(strParentID, True)
numX = UBound(arrNodes)
If numX >= 0 Then
intIndex = arrNodes(numX).Index
intIndex = -1
End If
If numX = 0 Then
oNodes.Add(strChildID, strObjectName)
If oNodes.ContainsKey(strParentID) Then
oNodes(intIndex).Nodes.Add(strChildID, strObjectName)
End If
End If
numX = numX + 1

Karl Rhodes

As is often the case, Ive tidied the code up below and it doesnt work
But Im sure you get the idea. :)

Armin Zingler

Karl Rhodes said:
If anyone has a very simple example of populating a treeview control
using vb.net from a dataset using the schema I have described,
please point me in the right direction or email it to me at
karlrhodes at hotmail dot com

Put a Treeview and a Button on a new WindowsApplication. Insert the
following code. As you see, filling the Treeview is the smaller part.

Private Sub Button1_Click( _
ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) _
Handles Button1.Click

Dim ds As New DataSet
Dim dt As DataTable = ds.Tables.Add

dt.Columns.Add("id", GetType(Integer))
dt.Columns.Add("idparent", GetType(Integer))
dt.Columns.Add("text", GetType(String))

dt.Rows.Add(New Object() {1I, DBNull.Value, "node1"})
dt.Rows.Add(New Object() {2I, 1I, "node2"})
dt.Rows.Add(New Object() {3I, 1I, "node3"})
dt.Rows.Add(New Object() {4I, 2I, "node4"})
dt.Rows.Add(New Object() {5I, 2I, "node5"})
dt.Rows.Add(New Object() {6I, DBNull.Value, "node6"})
dt.Rows.Add(New Object() {7I, 6I, "node7"})

AddNodes(dt, dt.Select("isnull(idparent, -1) = -1"), TreeView1.Nodes)

End Sub

Private Sub AddNodes( _
ByVal dt As DataTable, ByVal Rows As DataRow(), _
ByVal Nodes As TreeNodeCollection)

For Each row As DataRow In Rows
Dim node As TreeNode
Dim SubRows() As DataRow

node = Nodes.Add(row(2).ToString)
SubRows = dt.Select("idparent = " & DirectCast(row(0), Integer))
AddNodes(dt, SubRows, node.Nodes)

End Sub


Karl Rhodes


Can you just explain the lines that read

AddNodes(dt, dt.Select("isnull(idparent, -1) = -1"), TreeView1.Nodes)


SubRows = dt.Select("idparent = " & DirectCast(row(0), Integer))

Im not sure I understand how the 'Select' part of each line works.

I am guessing that in the second of the 2 lines
SubRows = dt.Select("idparent = " & DirectCast(row(0), Integer))
is doing a select for all records from the datatable where the idparent
= the value of the first row as an integer?

I have no clue at all what "isnull(idparent, -1) = -1" does.

Armin Zingler

Karl Rhodes said:

Can you just explain the lines that read

AddNodes(dt, dt.Select("isnull(idparent, -1) = -1"),


SubRows = dt.Select("idparent = " & DirectCast(row(0), Integer))

Im not sure I understand how the 'Select' part of each line works.

I am guessing that in the second of the 2 lines
SubRows = dt.Select("idparent = " & DirectCast(row(0), Integer)) is
doing a select for all records from the datatable where the idparent
= the value of the first row as an integer?

I have no clue at all what "isnull(idparent, -1) = -1" does.

According to


IsNull converts the value to the replacment value, -1 in this case, if the
field value is Null. It's equal to "idparent is null" in an SQL query. Be
aware that there must never be -1 in the database in this field, because
the comparison doesn't distinguish between Null and -1. As a whole, the
first Select method returns all rows with IDParent=Null. These rows are the
top-level rows, i.e. the rows that do not have a parent.

The second call to the Select method finds the child rows of the row that
has just been added. The child rows are those whose IDparent is equal to the
ID of the added row. The function is called recursively then to do the same
for these rows. And so on.


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