VB help with serialized printing macro?



I found some VB on the web to allow me to assign a unique number to multiple
printed docs. The macro works -- mostly: If I print, say, 5 copies, the
*first* copy only is not numbered, but subsequent copies are, up through 4.

My VB is rusty (took a "101" class 5 or 6 years ago, then never used it).
Can someone tell me what's wrong with the code? Or, if there is another form
at which this type of question should be posed, could someone point the way?
*Or*, point me in the direction of a similar but wholly functional macro?

Sub MySerial()
Dim rngSerialLocation As Range
Dim intSerialNum As Integer
Dim strSerialNum As String
Dim docCurrent As Document
Dim intNumCopies As Integer
Dim intCount As Integer

' set ref to current active doc
Set docCurrent = Application.ActiveDocument
' set ref to the bookmarked serial number
Set rngSerialLocation = docCurrent.Bookmarks("Serial").Range

' get the starting number
intSerialNum = Val(rngSerialLocation.Text)
' get the number of copies required
intNumCopies = Val(InputBox$("How many Copies?", _
"Print Serialized", "1"))

For intCount = 1 To intNumCopies
' print the document
docCurrent.PrintOut Range:=wdPrintAllDocument
' increment the serial number
intSerialNum = intSerialNum + 1
' put into formatted version
strSerialNum = Format(intSerialNum, "00000")
' stuff into proper place
rngSerialLocation.Text = strSerialNum
Next intCount

' reset the bookmark, since the updating procedure
' wipes out the old one
docCurrent.Bookmarks.Add Name:="Serial", _
End Sub

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