VB Formula




Currently am working on excel sheet. I’ve created 2 sheets. Sources and
destination. In destination sheet I’ve created 3 tables with some spaces for
each table. What I need is, when I enter data in sources sheet it should come
under appropriate table according to the school name. Below is the sources
and destination sheet look like.


Name School Age Sex
Cav SMK 20 Male
Beth SHJ 13 Female
John SMU 14 Male
Leena SMK 15 Female


Name School (SMK) Age Sex

Name School (SHJ) Age Sex

Name School (SMU) Age Sex

All I want is when I type the information in source sheet; it should come
under the table and I have more than 3000 student. So it should increase by
default. How to do this by using VB?

Thank you


I advise that you would probably be much better off in the long run if you
would familiarize yourself with the Autofilter. Just do Data > Filter >
Autofilter, and then choose the drop down arrow at the top of the school
column and select a school and Autofilter will extract only those rows to
view.........to go back to normal, just do Data > Filter > Autofilter
again......it's a toggle.

Vaya con Dios,
Chuck, CABGx3


Another option then the already mentioned autofilter would be to use the
pivot table functionality. Look at the help function for pivot table's - it
can generate exactly the overview you specified. Only downside is that you
have to "Refresh" the pivot table manually if you want the latest data to be
included and you have to make sure that the data area of the pivottable keeps
covering your full datarange.


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