VB Express still no joy for form designer


Lloyd Sheen

The forms designer has not fixed a longtime (since VS 2002) problem. If you
have an embedded UserControl and you make a change to the source, there is
no way to open the form and have the property grid deal with it. You can
see the property grid but there are not properties. Closing the form and
reopening it does nothing and even better all forms behave that way until
you close VB and reopen. This is not RAD. One would hope that in the years
since 2002 MS would have thought enough of the VB developers and fixed this.

I posted about this when using VS 2002 , then with VS 2003 and now I am
hoping that a post about VB Express may get someones attention.

Lloyd Sheen

Chris Dunaway

This is not the appropriate place to post bugs. While an MS employee
might see it here, they most likely will not. As Crouchie suggested,
posting on the feedback page is the *official* place to post bugs.

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