Variable row selection and printing



I have a workbook with two worksheets: sheet1, sheet2

I need a macro that selects sheet1 as the active sheet. I will need to
enter a starting and ending row using input boxes. A message box should
pop-up asking me to confirm the rows selected and prompting me to print the

For each row, copy only cells a:u. These cells will be pasted as values and
transposed vertically to a form on sheet2 in cells c3:c23. I will always
print sheet2 on a single page portrait however, I need to select the default
before the first page is printed. Subsequent rows will print to the default
printer. This loop should continue until all rows are transposed and

Finally, I need a message box to display the rows selected and a print count.



I have a workbook with two worksheets:  sheet1, sheet2

I need a macro that selects sheet1 as the active sheet.  I will need to
enter a starting and ending row using input boxes.   A message box should
pop-up asking me to confirm the rows selected and prompting me to print the

For each row, copy only cells a:u.  These cells will be pasted as valuesand
transposed vertically to a form on sheet2 in cells c3:c23.  I will always
print sheet2 on a single page portrait however, I need to select the default
before the first page is printed.  Subsequent rows will print to the default
printer.   This loop should continue until all rows are transposed and

Finally, I need a message box to display the rows selected and a print count.


What's the question?



Here is the code I have been using to copy, transpose and print individual
rows of data.
Sub Don()

Sheets("Open Items").Activate
Dim r1 As Range, r2 As Range, rf As Range
Dim i As Long, j As Long, k As Long, l As Long
Dim ws As Worksheet

For Each ws In ThisWorkbook.Worksheets
ws.Unprotect Password:="cashops"
Next ws
i = Application.InputBox("enter starting column number 1-256", 1)
j = Application.InputBox("enter starting row as number 1-65536", 1)
k = Application.InputBox("enter ending column character 1-256", 1)
l = Application.InputBox("enter ending row as number 1-65536", 1)
Set r1 = Cells(j, i)
Set r2 = Cells(l, k)
Set rf = Range(r1, r2)
MsgBox (rf.Address)
If MsgBox("Transpose and print this row?", vbYesNo Or vbQuestion _
Or vbDefaultButton2) = vbYes Then
Sheets("Lbx Payment Resolution Form").Select
Range("c3").PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues, Operation:=xlNone,
SkipBlanks:= _
False, Transpose:=True
For Each ws In ThisWorkbook.Worksheets
ws.Protect Password:="cashops"
Next ws
End If
For Each ws In ThisWorkbook.Worksheets
ws.Protect Password:="cashops"
Sheets("Lbx Payment Resolution Form").Select
Next ws

End Sub

I need to change my selection criteria to enter a starting and ending row
then for each row, copy->paste value->transpose the select cells (a1:c1) from
'Open Items Worksheet' to 'Lbx Worksheet' in cells c3:c23. The macro will
print the 'Lbx Worksheet' and pull the next row of data from the 'Open Items
Worksheet' until it reaches my ending row.

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