variable not defined,



I get a "variable not defined" error on the myfilename = xxxx
line? It doesn't like the
myfilename = ""
I looked in the object browser and didn't see a property for the
activeworkbook of name ?
How do I get the name from the activeworkbook? Or am I missing somethign?

while you are looking at it, I don't know if the fileformat:= 19 is correct
but I want to save it as a macTextfile which the book says is 19.

Sub saveIndesign()
'Appends date to filename so as to not write over an existing file

' saveIndesign Macro

Const fPath As String = "Mac OS X:Users:jrough:Documents"
Dim fName As String
Dim myFileName As String
myFileName = Left(ActiveWorkbook.Name, Len(AtiveWorkbook.Name) - 4) & Date &

fName = fPath & myFileName & Time()
ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs XlFileFormat:=19, Filename:=fName
MsgBox "File Saved to " & fName
End Sub


I found the problem. Someone gave me the answer yesterday and I put them in
but it didn't save because of another error. It is missing the ":" at the
end of the path for mac directorties.
Sorry for the post.

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