Variable declarations



I am now a little confused about variable declarations in ASP.NET. Please if
it is possible help me with this.

Lets say I have an application where any registered user can modify his user
profile using a WIZARD control. Suppose the UserModProfile.aspx receives a
parameter in the QueryString to know what UserId the user is editing,
something like this: UserModProfile.aspx?UID=1

The UserModProfile.aspx codebehind is something like this:

Private p_UserId as integer

Sub On_Load(...)

If not(me.IsPostBack) Then
p_UserId = Ctype(Request("UID"),Integer) far so good p_UserId has the correct value
End If

End Sub

The problem is that when I get to the end of this Wizzard, the value of
p_UserId is back at 0 (zero) So I have the following questions.

- What is the bert way to store a value through the wizzard process, so I
can send this value whern the wizard is finished to my update record
- I also had the problem that sometimes the record that got updated was
someone else´s, maby tha variable was being changed by another
session/instance of that UserModProfile.aspx class?

Please HELP!



Protected p_UserId as Integer, this still resets to 0 when advancing the
wizard on the first postback



Are you using any links in this process, after the initial one that put
?UID=1 as your querystring of course? If you're losing protected
values, you should also be losing all your fields on the form.

If all else fails, you could create a hidden field to store the value
in, or store it in session variables, but if you're using postback
consistently, this should work.

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