Values in crosstab represent change -- how to get query to return"current value" for each month?


Rachel Garrett

So I've got this nifty crosstab query that shows me my data broken
down over time. The rows are [Assessment Type] and [Question]; the
columns are from the [Assessment Date] field; the values are from
[Score]. So it looks like this:

Question 12/1/07 1/1/08 2/1/08
1.1 3 4
1.2 2 3
1.3 4 5 4

I think you can see where this is heading. I want to be able to "fill
in the blanks" so that for any month, I can use another query to pull
what the *current* score was for each question. For example, I want to
say that in January, Question 1.1 was scoring at a 3.

On a related do I group column headings on a crosstab, so
that 3/1/08, 3/23/08, 3/18/08 would all appear in "3/08"? I can do
this in PivotTables, but what is the syntax in a crosstab query? (Is
it better etiquette here to post that as a separate question?)

Rachel Garrett

Michel Walsh

For the second part, PIVOT on an expression which will subtract the day part
from the date:

PIVOT DateAdd("d", 1-DatePart("d", yourDate), yourDate)

which, basically, collapses any date (of a given month and year) to the
first day of that month and year.

I assumed your dates don't have a time part (ie, they always have, but I
mean the time part is always 00:00:00 )

Vanderghast, Access MVP

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