Value 0 on line in section [SourceDisksFiles] with key "" Error Message



After I created the 6 Windows XP Home Setup Boot Floppy Disks, I installed
Disk 1 into my floppy disk drive, rebooted my computer, and followed the
instructions on my screen to install my Windows XP Home Edition. During this
procedure I was able to successfully format the hard drive and confirm that
I had a qualifying software by inserting my Windows 98 CD. The only problem
I'm having is that when I am instructed to insert my Windows XP Home Edition
CD upgrade, and do so, and click OK, I get the following error message:

The following value in the .SIF file used by Setup is corrupted or missing:

Value 0 on the line in section [SourceDisksFiles] with key "".

Setup cannot continue.

Can anyone explain what is causing this error and how it can be fixed? Would
appreciate any help anyone may have.

--Eric Ogawa

George Curran

I am getting the same problem with a clean install. Hope
we can find the answer casue it is very frustrating!

George Curran

A suggestion from another reader:

"Hi George.
I had similar problems on my handbuilt PC,it
worked fine with windows
ME.BUT wouldn't install windows XP whatever i tried.Both
from floppy or CD
boot it would give allsorts of error's then hang,so i
phoned a PC shops
helpline and asked them..."got any ideas,as i'll try

There reply to me was..."you (Juan) probably have a
faulty Dimm Ram Card
onboard.Remove the cards and try them one at a time".As a
faulty Ram
accounts for about 80% windows install errors/hangups.

George...I did what they said.. swapped a RAM and BINGO
I was lucky XP
finally installed after days of failure.

PS/ Im real sorry George my first idea didn't work,but
the above maybe worth
a shot IF ALL ELSE FAILS.Hope it works for you as it
stopped my install
Wish ya
luck from Juan.

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