
  • Thread starter Mike Gleason jr Couturier
  • Start date

Mike Gleason jr Couturier

Is there a way to always show the validators?
I want to use validators and don't have to bother with field validation

But there is an esthetic requirement : always show the little stars "*"
beside the required fields. (I'm using ErrorMessage="*"). The stars
disappear whenever the associated field is valid... I tried Visible="False"
on the validator and put a "*" myself beside each field but it disables
validation :(

Any ideas!?


George Ter-Saakov

Are you saying that if you set ErrorMessage = "" it disables validation?
Try to set ErrorMessage = " " and then put those star yourself next to
required fields.


Mike Gleason jr Couturier

Are you saying that if you set ErrorMessage = "" it disables validation?
Try to set ErrorMessage = " " and then put those star yourself next
to required fields.


No, in bad english, I tried to say : Visible="False" disabled client
validation! (I'm wondering why this property exists, since Enabled="False"
usually does this kind of thing!)

But your solution makes sense, I just don't know why I did not thought of it
:) Maybe too much concentration on my english :p

Thanks I'll give it a try!


Mike Gleason jr Couturier

I just found out that there is another property besides "enabled" and

Display="none" did the trick...


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