validate url




i have the following:

Function IsLink(url)
Dim http As Object
Dim xmlhttp As Object

Set http = CreateObject("MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP.4.0")
Set xmlhttp = CreateObject("MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP")

On Error Resume Next

xmlhttp.Open "GET", url, False
'This alternative can return status 405 in some cases
'xmlhttp.Open "HEAD", url, False
xmlhttp.Send ""

'You can get the status of the page, if you wish
Status = xmlhttp.Status

If Err.Number <> 0 Or Status <> 200 Then
IsLink = False
IsLink = True
End If

Set xmlhttp = Nothing

then i have:

Sub L()

IsLink ("HTTP://")

MsgBox Status

End Sub

am i doing something wrong? because i know the website exists, and it
should be returning TRUE.

thanks in advance,


Remove the ON ERROR statement and try again. Your code is failing and you
don't know it.


ok thanks..taking it a step further now...
i have the following:

With myIE

i would like to know if there is a way i can have something like :
"https://webaddressdotcom/secure/Save=/Sites/46/Reports/5005_46_16_AppServiceUser_20080918" & %(like 0 to 10) & "_ZZ-2DRLSD-20CH-20SENT.pdf"

just in case i do not know the exact URL?

or is there any way i can LOOP through numbers/possibilities to arrive at
the "200557769" part which comes before the "_ZZ?

thanks in advance,


You may be able to get filename by using a FTP command. Try it manually
first to see if it works. For example. Not all websites allow FTP access or
require a password to get access. Some have Annoymous account where the user
name is iether FTP or Annoymous. Usual pasword for Anoymous accounts are FTP
or nothing. Some sittes give messages to tell you the password. See example
of Microsofts FTP account below. The DIR command will give you a list of
files in a directory. changing directories is equivalent to changing
directories on a PC. Each forwarrd slash is a subdirectory.

1) Open FTP from start button - Start - Run - FTP
2) Enter URL
type Open <CR>
User <<none>>: FTP <cr>
Annoyymous access allowed, send identity (e-mail name) as password
Password: Enter your e-mail address
Annoymous user logged in

You can use the following commands in FTP

HELP - gives list of all command
DIR - lists of files in directory
CD - Change directory
DIR - List file names


well it is an https site so i cant ge tthis to work. ok i just tried to
validate url based on https site, but i am getting an error message that says
runtime error -2147012851 the certificate authority is invalid. not sure how
to handle this. i think it has something to do with having the certificate
installed. but how can i deal with this in automation? is there a better

thanks in advance,


You shouldn't be using https instead replace with ftp. They are different
protocols. https is hyper-text transfer protocol and ftp is file transfer
protocol. Because FTP has a password authorization, you may not need a


well i tried it manually and it says "unknown host". so i may have to go
with the looping thing i had in mind. any ideas regarding that looping thing
i mentioned?

thanks in advance,


You can try one more thing. Open an internet explorer and put in the URL

then check the annoymous box and enter e-mail account as password

The looping will take forever. Not a good approach.


Can you map the network drive on you PC. Go to Window Explorer (not Internet
Explorer). Menu Tools - Map Network Drive. Once this is done then you can
use a simple DIR("*.*") to get the filenames.



not sure what you mean by maping the network drive. i tried that but not
exactly sure what to do. especially since it is an https site. i hate to
not be able to figure this out because ive been working on it for almost 3
months now.
im trying to be creative and think of different approaches. i even though
about using the IE.navigate when the exact url is not known. but not even
sure how i would do that. i even tried validating the https site, but it
looks like you have to have a certificate instealled for the site each time
its opened for the day or whatever. im not sure how i would automate
installing a certificate. im hoping for some ideas.

thanks in advance,


You can mapped Network drives to your PC assigning the a drive letter like
H:. All large companies and many smaller companies have common drives that
ae not located on individual PC's. The drives usually require a user name
and password for access depending how the permission are set for the drives.
Access to these mapped drives look exactly like any local drive on your PC.

Below is the help from Windows XP onNetwrok connections. One you set up the
Network connection then you can map a Drive to the connection. Conections
can be do another computer or a server. Once the connection is made you can
located the files using the DIR command

Folder = "C:\Reports\"
FName = Dir(Folder & "*.xls")
do while FName <> ""
'Enter your code here

FName = Dir()

Connecting to a remote computer or networkNetwork

Connections provides connectivity between your computer and the Internet, a
network, or another computer.

Open Network Connections in Control Panel.
In Network Connections, double-click the connection you want.

To open Network Connections, click Start, click Control Panel, and then
double-click Network Connections.
If you are connecting to your local area network, the network connection
connects automatically.
If you need to create a network connection, in Network Connections, under
Wizard, double-click Make New Connection.
For information about using Network Connections, click the Help menu in
Network Connections.
For more information, click Related Topics.

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