Using Yahoo Mail for file backup?



Yahoo mail has given me 2 gigs of space for my mail. Don't need it, so
I thought I would use the space to backup some family pics and docs.
How would I go about this. I would like to send my backup files as one
file in a .zip format for easier retrieval. There is a 20meg file
transfer limit. Any suggestions? All useful replys are appreciated.


Ron Bogart

Scott said:
Yahoo mail has given me 2 gigs of space for my mail. Don't need it, so
I thought I would use the space to backup some family pics and docs.
How would I go about this. I would like to send my backup files as one
file in a .zip format for easier retrieval. There is a 20meg file
transfer limit. Any suggestions? All useful replys are appreciated.


Although this is a bit intensive, you could create the ZIP file with all the
pics and docs you want to save. You could then get a program like WinRAR
and it has the capability to break the ZIP into manageable chunks which
could then be sent to your Yahoo email. When you want it back - email your
self with the RAR files from Yahoo and use WinRAR to reassemble them.
I would use WinRAR to do the entire process - and - one major thing to keep
in mind is that while Yahoo may impose a 20Meg limit - make sure what your
*Current* ISP imposes as a limit on email attachments and the size of your
account. My current will kill anything over 5 meg and if I receive one
email with that size - my mailbox is full until I receive it down from their

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