Using XP Boot Disks from



I'm trying to install XP pro using the boot disks
provided via this article:

This is a clean install on a raw 80 gb maxtor hard drive.
2 ram slots - 128mb & 64mb. IBM NetVista P3 800. After
installing the boot disks and formatting the hd, I
receive an error that ".sif file is missing or corrupt"
and "Value 0 is not valid for ''". I have to hit
F3 to reboot as XP cannot finish installation. Upon
reboot I get the following error: "NTLDR is Missing Press
CTRL + ALT + DEL to restart"

Since this isn't an upgrade I couldn't find any support
articles to help me out with this. I'm hoping someone at
MS can debug the boot disks or anyone in the news groups
has overcome this before.



Michael Solomon \(MS-MVP Windows Shell/User\)

If you have a CD-ROM drive and your system is capable of booting from that
drive, you don't need to use the boot floppies which are only meant for
systems that have no CD-ROM drive.

If you are not sure if your system can boot from the CD-ROM drive, when the
system boots, the first screen contains information about a key to hit in
order to enter setup, do so. The takes you inside the system BIOS, you'll
need to navigate to the location of the boot sequence, then place the CD-ROM
drive first in line in the sequence. Then, with the XP CD in the drive,
exit setup the system will reboot.

If you see the message on the boot
screen to "Press any key in order to boot from the CD," do so. If not, but
things appear to be progressing, setup has likely begun. Usually, the above
only appears if another OS is already installed so it shouldn't apply here
during a clean install.

After loading drivers and files, you should be taken to a screen with
the following:

To Setup Windows XP now, press ENTER.
To Repair a Windows XP Installation using Recovery Console press R.
To Quit setup without installing Windows XP, press F3.

In your case, press ENTER.

Agree to the License agreement by pressing F8.

You will then be taken to a screen with two options.

To repair the selected Windows XP installation press R.
To continue installing a fresh copy of Windows XP without repairing,
press ESC.

This will bring you to a partition map where you
can delete, create and format partitions.
Select the drive you wish to format, delete the partition, then create a new
partition, format as desired and continue with XP installation.


Thanks Michael. I should've made that clear. I cannot
boot from the CD and that's why I was using the boot
disks. Is there a means of upgrading my BIOS so that I
can? In any case, the article I followed was
inaccurate and should be reviewed as it didn't work for
me. Any other information would be very helpful.


Michael Solomon \(MS-MVP Windows Shell/User\)

You would have to contact IBM or visit their website with regard to updating
the BIOS. However, I would think your system would provide that capability.
While I don't have an IBM, it's roughly the same age as your setup, it's a
PIII-733 and all I had to do was go into the BIOS as I previously described
and set the CD-ROM drive first in line.

Does your system BIOS not offer that option? Before giving up on using the
CD-ROM, I'd contact IBM or visit some IBM newsgroups to see if your system
is capable of doing so. I'd be quite surprised if it doesn't support that

Since you didn't specify how the article is inaccurate I'm not sure I can
help in that regard.

I'm also not exactly sure of what procedure you followed. Also note,
formatting is something that should be done during the setup portion that
runs from the CD. The only thing the floppy setup disks do is allow you to
boot from the floppy and switch to the CD-ROM drive where the XP CD should
be located. These disks, simply provide the means of booting the system to
begin setup, they don't install XP, that is still done from the CD.


Thanks Michael. I'll look into updating the BIOS from
IBM. The option to boot from the CD rom isn't available
in my version. Wierd, I know, as I've fdisked many
machines and this is the first machine I've seen that
didn't have this option.

In terms of the formatting of the disk, the boot disks
provided by installed drivers for the CD rom and
allowed me to format the hard drive, however, I was never
able to access the CD rom. I only got the error I
originally mentioned. I'll check with IBM and post back.
If you don't mind, can you keep this post open for 72



Michael Solomon \(MS-MVP Windows Shell/User\)

The post will be on the server for 30 days barring some catastrophe that
brings it down.:) That's not my doing nor do I have such control, it's
just the way things work.

However, I always check the threads in which I've responded.

I don't know why the floppies didn't work because they have for a great many
people. Just note, for future reference, no point in formatting outside of
XP setup, just run XP setup, assuming you can access the CD-ROM drive and
format during setup as I've previously outlined.

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