Using XmlAttributeOverrides to read a flattened XML arrays



Is there any way to use XmlAttributeOverrides to read in an XML file where an
element contains multiple types of repeated peers, for instance:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<ElementA Value="10"/>
<ElementA Value="20"/>
<ElementB Value="1"/>
<ElementB Value="2"/>

I'd like to use System.Xml.Serialization namespace to define classes for
elements, and then to just read it in using XmlSerializer:

The question is what overrides should be to be able to read in the xml file
into the defined classes (see below).


XmlAttributeOverrides overrides = ????';///
XmlSerializer serializer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(RootElement), overrides);
RootElement root = serializer.Deserialize(stream) as RootElement;

public class RootElement
public RootElement()
ElementAs = new List<ElementA>();
ElementBs = new List<ElementB>();

public List<ElementA> ElementAs {get;set;}
public List<ElementB> ElementAs {get;set;}

public class ElementA
public string Value {get;set;}

public class ElementB
public string Value {get;set;}

Thank you for any help/insight.



Ok. Got it...

XmlAttributeOverrides overrides = new XmlAttributeOverrides ();
XmlAttributes attrs = null;
XmlElementAttribute attr = null;

attrs = new XmlAttributes();
attr = new XmlElementAttribute();

attr.ElementName = "ElementA";
attr.Type = typeof(ElementA);

// Add the element to the collection of elements.
overrides.Add(typeof(RootElement), "ElementAs", attrs);

attrs = new XmlAttributes();
attr = new XmlElementAttribute();

attr.ElementName = "ElementB";
attr.Type = typeof(ElementB);

overrides.Add(typeof(RootElement), "ElementBs", attrs);

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