Using Word to Edit Frontpage Created Web Site



I have been using Word 2002 to create and maintain my web sites. I'd like to
make the jump to FP 2003 to better maintain my sites but I don't want to have
to buy 3 copies of FP. I currently can edit my sites from several locations
using Word. I need to does this frequently as last-minute notices need to be
put up.

Can I edit FP created sites (only need to edit Homne page) using Word
without creating problems for myself?

Thanks for all replies.

Cowboy \(Gregory A. Beamer\)

Your biggest issue with Word is the extra FUD it sticks into its HTML. If
you want to edit in Word, your best bet is to edit on your local network and
push the files up to the server via FrontPage to ensure you keep everything
in sync (if you do not, FrontPage may overwrite changes you pushed up
through Word when you attempt to publish the next time, as it does not know
you updated the server).

Gregory A. Beamer

Think Outside the Box!


Word should be avoided for web page editing. Word is the proper tool for
printed documents, it makes a poor web editor. Using Word to edit a page in
a FrontPage website will bloat the pages with code that should be used only
on printable documents (even using the filters within Word 2003) - and the
FrontPage meta data will not be updated correctly.

If you use Word to edit pages, place those pages in a subweb where the rest
of the web will be unaffected. You should place a link on your Home page
pointing to these pages.

If you do use Word to edit your Home page, then open the web in FrontPage at
the earliest oppurtunity and use Tools->Recalculate Hyperlinks to update the
meta data - however, this will not remove the inevitable bloat.

Rob Giordano \(Crash\)

You can install FP on one desktop and one you don't have to buy
3 copies...maybe 2

|I have been using Word 2002 to create and maintain my web sites. I'd like
| make the jump to FP 2003 to better maintain my sites but I don't want to
| to buy 3 copies of FP. I currently can edit my sites from several
| using Word. I need to does this frequently as last-minute notices need to
| put up.
| Can I edit FP created sites (only need to edit Homne page) using Word
| without creating problems for myself?
| Thanks for all replies.
| --
| Ray Tweedale
| All-around-nice-guy


I'm not sure what FUD is but I have a good hunch! I'm getting the picture
that I'm not going to want to do this and I think Crashes idea is a go.
Thanks forthe input Cowboy.


Word has worked very well for me as an editor and I liked the fact that I
could use it from multiple locations. The sites I manage aren't very complex
but at the same time aren't simpletons either. With WINXP SP 2 I lost a lot
of the web tools I used to spiff up my sites. I think I will find that FP
will make managing my sites easier and more fun. Thaniks for the info about
the bloat. I didn't know about that. All the sites are for non profit orgs
and we are trying to keep the site cost at a minimum.


Thanks Crash. I didn't look up the licensing agreement yet to see how many
installs I could do. Two installs will work for me.

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