Using webrequest without sending Ip address.



Hi all,

My main question is when i send webrequest to server, do ip address
related information is also getting send onto server over network?

I want to send request using webrequest class. But i don't want to send
any information like my Pc name or my pc's ip address or the proxy
address to server using webrequest.

If every time while sending webrequest this information is going on
server, then i need some way to set this information through code. Do i
need to modify header of request?

Can i do this.
any help will be truely appreciated.

thanks in advance.

Chris Fulstow

If you don't send your IP address, how will the server know where to
send the response? :)
(Unless you're using a proxy)



thanks for your reply.

My main aim is to prevent sending of ip related information of my pc
and security related information while sending webrequest. So what i
did is i downloadd one proxy server from net. And using that proxy
server i am trying to send webreqest.

But this is not working. After setting proxy server related setting in
Internet -explorer-> tools->options->connection My internet explorer is
also not accessing any URl's through proxy.

Can you tell me why this is happening. what should i do to support
proxy while accessing URL's.

Any help will be ruely appreciated.

thanks in advance.

Chris Fulstow

If it's not working through IE either then it sounds like a proxy
configuration issue.

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