Using VLOOKUP for returning multiple values and summing them


LCC Jon-Kun

Hi, hope you can help me with this.

I've got a large spreadsheet with a large group of people split into 5 teams
(ie teams A to E) in no particular order. this spreadsheet show the results
of some recent tests. I want the sum of the scores for the people in each
For example

Team Name Score
A Bob 15
B Janet 17
B Sam 8
A Alan 12
C Chris 15

And so on and so forth. If I wanted the sum of the scores for the people in
team A, how would I go about doing this?


Asssuming your display is columns A to C and goes down say 500 rows you could
have the following in column D or E


LCC Jon-Kun

Cheers - that's just what I needed. Was concentrating on the function being a
fiddly version of VLookup rather than another function entirely.

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