Using VBA to Insert Formula in Copied Sheet


Rich Kniatt

This should be easy for the gurus out there.

I have a snippet of code that needs to contain something similar t
below but carry through J34. Is there a way to do this with one line?

Range("j15").Formula = "=c15*I15"
Range("j16").Formula = "=c16*I16"
Range("j17").Formula = "=c17*I17


Hi Rich,

Here's a code that works although there's probably a better solution out
there somewhere:

Sub test()

Dim x As Integer
x = 15

If x = 35 Then Exit Sub
Range("J" & x).Formula = "=C" & x & "*I" & x
x = x + 1
GoTo Start

End Sub

Adjust x to fit your start cell and adjust the If statement to fit one past
your ending cell. HTH


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