Using variable in WorksheetFunction


Mike Fogleman

Can you see what I am doing wrong here.

Sub CntIf()
Dim myrng As Range

Sheets("Node Data").Activate
Cells(1, counter + 2).Value = "Total Leaks per " & Ldb
Set myrng = Sheets(Ldb).Range("B2:B" & rwct)
Range(Cells(2, counter + 2), Cells(85, counter + 2)) =
Application.WorksheetFunction.CountIf(myrng, "$A$2:$A$85")

End Sub

This does put values in the range (Cells(2, counter + 2), Cells(85, counter
+ 2)) , but they are all 0's, not the correct count.

Mike F

Dave Peterson

If you used =countif() in the cell, your formula would be:


This doesn't look like it's what you really want.

Mike Fogleman

This formula pasted in the activesheet from B2:B85 works. There is a list of
unique items in this sheet from A2:A85 that I want counted from the sheet
LAFQ403 B2:B568.


The variable Ldb="LAFQ403"
rwct=568, so myrng = Sheets(Ldb).Range("B2:B" & rwct)
counter=0 so Range(Cells(2, counter + 2), Cells(85, counter + 2)) is
Range("B2:B85") of the activesheet.

How, in VB, do I get the results of the COUNTIF into the range B2:B85 of the
I have never figured out how to put variables into a cell formula =
"=CountIf(myrng), so I am trying the Application.WorksheetFunction method,
but still coming up zip.
As it turns out "0" is the correct count for the first item in A2, so it is
giving me one answer throughout the entire range.

Dave Peterson

I _think_ that this is what you're shooting for:

Option Explicit

Sub CntIf()
Dim myrng As Range
Dim ldb As String
Dim rwct As Long
Dim counter As Long

ldb = "lafq403"
rwct = 568
counter = 0

Set myrng = Sheets(ldb).Range("B2:B" & rwct)

With Sheets("Node Data")
.Cells(1, counter + 2).Value = "Total Leaks per " & ldb

.Range(.Cells(2, counter + 2), .Cells(85, counter + 2)).Formula _
= "=CountIf(" & myrng.Address(external:=True) & ",A2)"
End With

End Sub

The stuff that's related to a variable in VBA doesn't have "" surrounding it.

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