Using toggle button



I'm working on a vehicle repair database, I have setup a toggle button to
show if work was completed or not. It is linked into my database and inputs a
value of 1 or 2 for open and closed. I also have setup a message that changes
as you choose what type of repairs are being made. 4 diffrent types of
repairs and 4 messages. I want to make this message go invisible when i close
the the work order. Any suggestion on how to do that?


Nevermind, figured it out. Was using the wrong control settings. When i wrote
down the code for setting the box to invisbile used yes or No instead of
true false.

Linq Adams via

That's correct, Yes/No only works when you set the property in the Properties
Box! Another MS ploy at sowing confusion!

There's ALWAYS more than one way to skin a cat!

Answers/posts based on Access 2000/2003

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