Using the VLOOKUP feature #2!

  • Thread starter Thread starter Tricia LeAnn
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Tricia LeAnn

I posted this earlier today and got one response, but was still not able to
figure out how to do it. Could someone read over what was said and see if
they can explain it a little easier to understand? Thanks!!

|| I've read a couple of articles on how to do it, but I still don't quite
|| understand. This is what I need to do:
|| Drawing # Part # Tube #
|| 350TT-77A 100587 TUBE 1A
|| 350TT-157B 100039 TUBE 1A
|| 350TT-157C 104287 TUBE 1A
|| 350TT-133A 100048 TUBE 1A
|| Here is what my spreadsheet looks like. I need to be able to find out what
|| tubes drawings and parts are in. I would like to be able to search by either
|| the drawing, or the part number. Could somone please tell me how to do this?
|| (Keep in mind that you are explaining this to a BLONDE!! :) )
|| --
|| Have a fantastic day!
|| Tricia LeAnn
| Hi Tricia,
| With the Drawing# to look up in D1:
| =VLOOKUP(D1,$A$2:$C$5,3,FALSE)
| With the Part# in D2:
| =VLOOKUP(D2,$B$2:$C$5,2,FALSE)
| I assumed your data with a header in A2:C5
| Kind regards,
| Niek Otten
| Microsoft MVP - Excel
Niek Otten said:
<with a header in A2:C5>

Should be:

with a header in A1:C5

Kind regards,

Niek Otten
Microsoft MVP - Excel

Ok, I hate to be a pain, but I'm sure people who use excel regularly would
understand that completely, but I'm still having some trouble. I'll give you
my spreadsheet information in more detail, and maybe you can help me then.

A1- PROJECT: Quickfind Tube Index!

A3- DrAwInGs iN TUBE: 1A

(A5)DRAWING # (B5)PART # (e5)Tube #
(A6)350TT-8A & 9A (B6)104597 (E6)TUBE 1A
(A7)350TT-29A (B7)100011 (E7)TUBE 1A
(A8)350TT-33 (B8)103220 (E8)TUBE 1A
(A9)350TT- 50A (B9)100019 (E9)TUBE 1A
(A10)350TT-62 (B10)100024 (E10)TUBE 1A
What I'm trying to do is make a searchable database where I can find out
which tubes certain drawings and part numbers are located in. I have already
entered all of the information, and there are about 4,500 different
corresponding drawing and part numbers that I have in the system. I would
like to be able to just type in "100024" and find out that it is located in
TUBE 1A. Does that make more sense?

Again, I am sorry to be such a hassle, but I really do appreciate your help!
One way using index/match
With the table as posted,
Inputs in G2 down, eg: 100024
Place in H2: =INDEX(E:E,MATCH(G2,B:B,0))
Copy down
Tricia LeAnn,

By default, you will not be able to use one cell to enter a part # or
drawing # to search for. XL will not be able to determine which one it is
(...not to mention the formulas are different for each one). You can use 2
different cells (1 for part #'s and 1 for drawing #'s) or you can use 2
different cells (1 for part/drawing #'s and one to tell what kind of number
it is.

I'm gonna describe the 2nd one.

I'm gonna assume you want to enter the part/drawing # you want to search for
in cell A2 and what type of number it is in cell B2.

I would create a data validation on cell B2. I would make it a List DV and
type in the 2 different values. I'll use "Part Number" and "Drawing

Where do you want the results to be? I'm gonna assume cell B3.

In B3, enter this formula:

=IF(B2="Part Number",VLOOKUP($A$2,$A$6:$E$10,5,0),IF(B2="Drawing
Number",VLOOKUP($A$2,$B$6:$E$10,4,0),B2 & " does not exist or wrong type of

Expand your lookup range as necessary.

I have not tested this, but I think it will work. Some one else might come
up with a more creative & efficient way of doing this.


The two Vlookups are doing what you want. Assuming your drawing numbers are
in A2:A5, part numbers are in B2:B5 and tube numbers are in C2:C5, an array
A2:C5 is formed. The first vlookup uses the array A2:C5 to look up the
drawing number in D1 in column 1 (A2:A5) of the array.for an exact match
(the 'FALSE") in the vlookup function. If a match is found, it returns the
corresponding entry from column 3 (C2:C5) of the array - the tube number.
That's what the "3" is in the vlookup - return column 3. If no match is
found the vlookup returns #N/A. The second vlookup functions uses the array
B2:C5 and looks up D2 (the part number) in column one (B2:B5) of the array
and if an exact match is found, returns the corresponding value in column 2
of the array C2:C5 - the tube number That's what the "2" is in the vlookup -
return column 2. As in the first lookup, if there is no match #N/A is
returned. The two vlookups allow you to look up the tube number by using
either drawing number or part number.
