Using the NOW() function without it recalculating



I'm trying to have multiple cells display the time when text is entered into
the adjacent cell.
So I have this

=IF(ISBLANK(B6),"Please Log In",NOW())

I have two people accessing the file putting a check in the box when they
arrive, then it displays the time they logged it. But because the NOW()
function recalcs each time I lose the data.

How do I freeze the NOW() function so we can keep track of the data without
having to copy and paste as values each time?


That's good but the simple function requires the turning on of the iteration
check box. If mulitple people are opening the file I don't want it to make
everyone turn on the iteration option.

Is there any fuction that does a copy paste as values?

JE McGimpsey


If you can't use Iterations, you'll need to use a macro.

Functions return values. They can't change themselves or other functions
to constant values.

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