using System.IO.Ports problem in Windows App




I have no problem to write and read through my COM1 in my app which created
in Console based application.

So far I tried which are successful in pc win app, pc console app and smart
device console app.

Once I used the Win app in smart device, there is a problem. So, there
isn't any error message when I initialized the com port as shown below:

private SerialPort _serialPort = new SerialPort("COM1", 38400, Parity.None,
8, StopBits.One);

But, I couldn't get the response from my serial device. Is there any
special tricks to initialize com port in CF 2.0 Win App? Or it didn't support.

Thank you.


Rainer Borchmann

HoustonK said:
Once I used the Win app in smart device, there is a problem. So, there
isn't any error message when I initialized the com port as shown below:

May be you need some other options like


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