Using System.DirectoryServices to get users names and email addresses



I am using System.DirectoryServices to query our AD in order to get
information about users.

I am having problems understanding how to get at the Username and the Email
address (to begin with)

The code below returns all of the keys (I assume) but I can't figure out how
to extract the values associated with them:

Here is the code I'm using:

Public Sub GetUserProps(SearchChars as string)

Dim sPath As String

Dim fullname As String

Dim objDirEnt As New DirectoryServices.DirectoryEntry("LDAP://",
"user", "pass")

Dim objSearcher As New System.DirectoryServices.DirectorySearcher(objDirEnt)

Dim objSearchRes As System.DirectoryServices.SearchResult

Dim objProps As DictionaryEntry

Dim objvals As String

objSearcher.Filter = ("(anr=" & SearchChars & ")")

For Each objSearchRes In objSearcher.FindAll

For Each objProps In objSearchRes.Properties

Response.Write(objProps.Key & "<br>")




End Sub

How do I get at the values for each of the keys?

Thanks you!


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