Using Sysrel90 to restore relationships



My database may be corrupted because it will abrutly shut down. I tried
decompile, with no effect, and then tried creating a blank database and
imported all objects to blank database and recompiled. The problem is that
the relationships are not transferred correctly. An online link suggests
using SYSREL90 but I can't seem to get the syntax correct. After about 10
tries -this is what I'm currently using:
C:\sysrel90.exe /srcdb C:\ BTData.mdb /destdb <C:\ TempBT.mdb>
Can someone help with syntax?
Thanks, JIM

Douglas J. Steele

Try removing the angled brackets around C:\TempBT.mdb:

C:\sysrel90.exe /srcdb C:\BTData.mdb /destdb C:\TempBT.mdb

You've also got spaces between C:\ and the file name that shouldn't be

Note that if your file path includes spaces (such as C:\Documents and
Settings\JIM\My Documents), you'd need to put quotes:

C:\sysrel90.exe /srcdb "C:\Documents and Settings\JIM\My
Documents\BTData.mdb" /destdb "C:\Documents and Settings\JIM\My


Hi again Doug, thanks. It's running now but gives the message:
TSI SYSREL90 Copy Utility 9.0
"There was a problem copying system relationships to C:\TempBT.mdb for user
Any ideas would be appreciated, JIM
ps just got an idea- I will delete current relationships and try again.


Dead end. Same message. Any ideas?
Thanks, JIM

Douglas J. Steele said:
Try removing the angled brackets around C:\TempBT.mdb:

C:\sysrel90.exe /srcdb C:\BTData.mdb /destdb C:\TempBT.mdb

You've also got spaces between C:\ and the file name that shouldn't be

Note that if your file path includes spaces (such as C:\Documents and
Settings\JIM\My Documents), you'd need to put quotes:

C:\sysrel90.exe /srcdb "C:\Documents and Settings\JIM\My
Documents\BTData.mdb" /destdb "C:\Documents and Settings\JIM\My

Douglas J. Steele

Not what you want to here, but I suspect that means your database is toast.

Hopefully you have a back-up somewhere.

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