Using subfunction in a function



Is it possible to refer to a subprocedure in a function?
I am trying to use a variable that is referred to in a
function but is defined in a subfunction. I want the
variable to retain a value with the end of the function.

This is what I am trying to do:

Sub CalculateTotal()
total = timelapse + total
End Sub

Function Downtime(CurrentLoadSig, PrevLoadingSig,
PastTime, PresentTime)
'Calculates the amount of time lapsed for downtime

If CurrentLoadingSig = 0 Then
Select Case PrevLoadSig
Case Is = 0
timelapse = PrevTime - CurrentTime
Downtime = total
Case Is = 1
timelapse = PrevTime - CurrentTime
Downtime = total
total = total * 0

End Function


I'm not clear exactly what you want your program to do, but my rewrite of
your program (below) should clarify some of your questions about how to use


Sub tester()
cls = 0
pls = 1
preT = 30
CurT = 60
DTime = Downtime(cls, pls, preT, CurT)
End Sub
Function Total(timelapse)
Total = timelapse + Total
End Function
Function Downtime(CurrentLoadSig, PrevLoadSig, _
PrevTime, CurrentTime)

If CurrentLoadSig = 0 Then
Select Case PrevLoadSig
Case Is = 0
timelapse = CurrentTime - PrevTime
Downtime = Total(timelapse)
Case Is = 1
timelapse = CurrentTime - PrevTime
Downtime = Total(timelapse)
End Select
Downtime = 0
End If

End Function

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